Edmonton Journal

“Ready for another stock market crash?”


Edmonton, AB – “When I explain how the financial system in Canada really works,

people become furious,” says former financial industry insider, Allan Schieman.

“People in the investment game are making a killing off the backs of “average” middle-class investors and it is robbing them of more than just money,” Schieman says.

Schieman, a life-long Albertan, sold his investment advisory firm in 2009, to advocate on behalf of retail investors. “The trouble with the investment business is that it’s designed to benefit banks - not regular investors. People are being taken advantage of ... but now we’re changing that,” he adds.

Schieman believes the financial system is not designed to help Canadians grow and protect their nest-eggs, he argues it’s built to sell cookie-cutter financial products instead. “90 percent of financial advisors are nothing more than salespeopl­e, their advice is biased and self-serving,” he argues, “as a result, people are suffering with lousy returns in high-risk financial products.”

Investors Are Fighting Back

Schieman has revolution­ized investing by creating the Defend Your Wealth

Community for average people looking for straight-forward solutions to their money issues. “We have more than 1000 members who are actively securing their financial futures right now,” he says.

Schieman does not sell investment­s or financial products. “I believe financial advice should never be connected to the sale of financial products,” he says, “what people need is unbiased advice and easy-toundersta­nd guidance ... blindly following biased advice is a recipe for disaster.”

The Opportunit­ies Are Huge

Schieman says investors just need to follow a few simple rules. “People are surprised at what’s really possible and how easy this is.”

One rule he recommends is: Set a Portfolio Floor. A portfolio floor lets your winners ride but protects you when the

markets falls. Following this rule will save • your assets during the next market crash!

Another rule he urges people to follow

is to always offset the taxes on RRSP

withdrawal­s. RRSPs are great - until you want to spend the money, then the taxman usually takes 30 percent or more. But you can avoid almost all the taxes - if you withdraw the money properly. Here’s another rule: avoid mutual

funds. The cost of owning mutual funds often eats up more than half of their returns. “Our typical member adds thousands to their bottom line each year by switching to lower-cost, better-performing alternativ­es,” he says.

Improve Your Financial Life

The best investment you can make today is in your own financial education. Very soon, Allan Schieman is hosting a powerful

FREE workshop to share his insider knowledge with you - DON’T miss it! It’s your financial future and your peace ofmind that’s at stake.

You will discover:

• 7 ways your Advisor is Lying to You

• How to Boost Your Dividend Yield By 55% (without adding any more risk)

• How to Set a Portfolio Floor so you can sleep soundly every night.

• 3 Simple Strategies to Cut Your Tax Bill in Half

• How to withdraw your RRSP Tax FREE

• How to Increase Your After- Tax Cash

Flow by up to 60% How to Buy Investment­s and get Massive Discounts off Market Prices and much more ...

Event Date:

Tuesday, June 4th

Delta Edmonton Centre Suite Hotel

7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

(Tickets to the workshop are $63, but you

may attend FREE if you pre-register now!) Seating is limited and a SELL OUT is expected. Register now, arrive early to get a good seat for this powerful event!

How To Pre-Register: go to www.FinancialB­attleplan.com or call (877) 219-7526 (24 hours)

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