Edmonton Journal

No break for mom and pop


Re: “Speeding crackdown plan stalls; Province cool to police chiefs’ proposal for tough new powers,” the Journal, June 18. What does Edmonton police Chief Rod Knecht mean when he says “our focus is not on mom and pop speeding a little bit”? It should be! Zero tolerance for speeders is the only way to stop speeding.

I just spent a few hours from hell going from Sherwood Park to West Edmonton Mall and back again on the Anthony Henday and Whitemud Drive. I set my cruise control for the speed limit and took the left-hand lane, so I wouldn’t have to weave in and out of slower traffic in the right lane. I was honked at, shouted at and received obscene hand gestures as drivers tried to force me to move over so they could speed unimpeded.

The left-hand lane is for those of us driving at the speed limit. I feel no need to facilitate criminals or to put myself in harm’s way needlessly by changing lanes.

Albertans need to take back our roads from these selfish, reckless bullies. Refuse to move over for them and join the public outcry to crack down on all speeders. Sylvia Hoyle, Sherwood Park

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