Edmonton Journal

Speaker’s ruling brings MPS’ rights to the forefront

But members not hopping up ‘like Whac-a-mole’: Warawa


OTTAWA — Two Conservati­ve backbenche­rs who fought for the right to speak in the House of Commons without their party’s prior consent say their victory has ushered in a new appreciati­on for individual members’ rights in Parliament.

But Mark Warawa and Stephen Woodworth say it was unrealisti­c to expect a dramatical­ly new era of MPs ignoring their party leadership and springing to their feet “like Whac-a-Mole” to tell their fellow MPs whatever was on their minds.

“You have to have rules. You have to have structure,” Warawa said.

“And that’s what the (party) whips are there for, to provide that structure. The scenario of everyone jumping up like Whac-a-Mole would have been chaos.”

Party whips are responsibl­e for running many of a party’s day-to-day operations in the House of Commons, including assigning speaking slots and maintainin­g discipline.

Warawa and Woodworth were among nearly a dozen Tory MPs who prompted talk of a mini-rebellion in the Conservati­ve caucus this spring after voicing their objections to their party’s control over which members get to speak in the chamber.

“If you’re too rebellious, you can be punished.”


This came after Harper’s senior parliament­ary team, which hand-picks which Conservati­ve MPs get to deliver oneminute statements before the daily question period, blocked Warawa from speaking about sex-selection abortion.

In what many called a historic ruling in April, House Speaker Andrew Scheer promised that if MPs wanted to make a statement, they could simply stand, catch the Speaker’s attention and ask to be allowed to speak.

Warawa and a few other MPs took advantage of Scheer’s promise in the days that followed, but it’s unclear how many others did the same in the two months between the Speaker’s ruling and the House rising for summer.

Both Scheer’s and Government House Whip Gordon O’Connor’s offices say they do not track that informatio­n, and there is no easy way to determine whether an MP was pre-approved to make a statement or rose on his or her own.

Anecdotall­y, however, it doesn’t appear that many MPs took advantage of the opportunit­y.

Experts and opposition critics say that’s exactly what they predicted would happen because MPs still face potential repercussi­ons from Harper and O’Connor if they don’t fall in line.

“The whips still have all their power,” said former House of Commons procedural clerk Thomas Hall.

“And if you’re too rebellious, you can be punished.”

“There were a couple of symbolic people getting up and being recognized,” said NDP House leader Nathan Cullen. “But there was so much tension with the prime minister that every gesture is seen as another challenge to his power.”

But Warawa and Woodworth say that’s not the case at all.

“People are creatures of habit, and so if there’s not a topic that’s real important to you, you may just go with the flow,” Warawa said.

This suggests the problem of Conservati­ve MPs, in particular, feeling beaten down or overtly controlled wasn’t as wide-ranging as people may have believed.

“I don’t think that the number of times that members were denied the opportunit­y to deliver (private statements) was that frequent,” Woodworth said.

“So in that sense, yes it would be unrealisti­c to expect much of a sea-change.”

Warawa and Woodworth say Scheer’s ruling also resulted in a changed attitude in their whip’s office, with more flexibilit­y for letting MPs speak when they want without having to go directly to the Speaker.

And they say working within the party is the preferred path to simply standing up whenever the mood to speak strikes.

“It is a major change, that your whips cannot tell you what you can speak on,” Warawa said.

“But for me to be able to stand up in the House, it’s still always best to let your whip know. You’re part of a team.”

Both Conservati­ve MPs feel the Speaker’s ruling represente­d an important reminder of MPs’ powers and responsibi­lities, and said they hoped members would be empowered to represent their constituen­ts first and foremost.

“When you have a change and somebody is given a new tool, it may be a while before they actually start to use that tool,” Warawa said.

 ??  ?? Stephen Woodworth
Stephen Woodworth
 ??  ?? Mark Warawa
Mark Warawa

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