Edmonton Journal

The Senate shows why it has to go

An unelected body lacks the legitimacy to redraft legislatio­n


After this week’s vote to amend — eviscerate would be more accurate — Bill C-377, legislatio­n passed by the House that would force labour unions to disclose their salaries and expenses, the Senate is suddenly the toast of the town.

Here, said many, was sober second thought. Eureka, said others: The Senate works! Even hard-core abolitioni­sts joined in. The Broadbent Institute, the NDP’s house thinktank, congratula­ted the upper house for “standing up for the rights of millions of Canadian workers.”

All agreed this was vindicatio­n for the upper house, after a long season of shame. The Senate, the National Post’s John Ivison wrote, “has shown exactly why it exists – to examine and revise legislatio­n it believes to be flawed.”

Yes indeed. It has also shown why it has to go.

The Senate’s defiance ... in this matter is brave, principled and wrong.

The Senate’s defiance of the will of the Commons in this matter is brave, principled and wrong. The senators, Liberal and Conservati­ve, who voted to send the bill back to the House — in effect, to defeat it — were courageous, conscienti­ous and completely out of line.

That the bill was flawed is immaterial; that senators had serious and substantiv­e objections to it, the same. Without a mandate from the people, senators have no more democratic right to redraft legislatio­n than I do.

They have the legal power to do so, without a doubt. What they lack is the legitimacy. And lacking such legitimacy, it has been the custom and convention they should not pretend to assume the role of elected legislator­s, or usurp the authority of those who are. A Senate that confines itself to reviewing legislatio­n passed by the Commons may be tolerated, barely. A Senate that takes it upon itself to rewrite it is an abominatio­n.

It is the lawful powers of the Senate, not the misdeeds of a few errant senators, that make the case for its reform. Corruption is found in every legislatur­e, no matter its design. Whereas the powers of the Senate go to its very nature. On paper these powers are great indeed, almost the equal of the House. So long as these lie dormant, I repeat, the Senate’s status as one of the world’s last remaining appointed upper houses is merely a national embarrassm­ent. But if senators are determined to use them, we really are in a fix.

The worst of it is that the Senate has corrupted us. It has been a part of the furniture for so long we forget what it is made of: patronage, and placeholdi­ng, and favours for favours. Yes, it also contains many good and wise people, in among the bagmen and the timeserver­s, but so what? A government has any number of distinguis­hed people on whose counsel it can rely, whether in the universiti­es, or the thinktanks, or in the civil service. It does not have to give them jobs for life, or confer upon them legislativ­e power.

That so many people are willing to stand by while a clutch of cronies of prime ministers past and present redraft a bill passed by the people’s house — even to justify it — is testament to the power of opportunis­m. For the NDP, in particular, those ferocious pit bulls for abolition, to roll over like sleeping puppies just because the Senate did something they happened to like, is faintly nauseating.

But then, a great many people seem sincerely incapable of separating ends from means in this matter. Yes, you don’t like the bill. Yes, the bill is flawed. In a democracy, that is the people’s prerogativ­e, as it is of those they elect: to pass legislatio­n some might think wrong-headed — that may even be wrong-headed, if that is what they prefer. It is not for a group of appointed commissars to substitute their own preference­s in their place. Is it really necessary to say this?

This isn’t like the “backbench spring,” to which it has been compared. In fact, it’s the opposite. Those Tory MPs who assert the right to speak, to raise questions, or to vote independen­t of the party line do so in the name of the people they represent; at any rate, they are entitled to do so, having been elected by them. The 20 Tory senators who voted to amend the bill or abstained were in effect voting to overrule those same MPs. Though it clearly had government backing, C-377 was a private member’s bill that enjoyed wide support in caucus.

Nor can this be compared to judicial review, the power of the — unelected! — courts to overturn laws on constituti­onal grounds. What’s the difference? The courts are restricted to comparing one piece of legislatio­n, the law in question, with another: the constituti­on. Both were passed by democratic legislatur­es. The courts’ role is simply to determine whether the one democratic law is consistent with the other. Whereas the Senate may, if it is so bold, reject or rewrite a law for any reason it pleases.

Judges train in the law for many years, and are selected for their impartiali­ty. Senators may have no training whatever, and are selected for their partisansh­ip. Virtually every democratic society appoints judges. Very few democratic societies appoint their legislator­s. It is the difference, in other words, between the judicial branch and the legislativ­e, between applying the law — as every public servant does — and making it, the ancient preserve of Parliament. Where do you draw the line, as some ask? You draw it at the doors of the legislatur­e.

The Crown is the fount of authority in our democracy, but Parliament is the fount of power. It is intolerabl­e that that power should be exercised by any but those the people choose. If senators would like to be proper rather than pretend legislator­s, let them get themselves elected.

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