Edmonton Journal

Seeking Good Samaritan

- Editor’s Note: If you are the person who lost your glasses, please contact the Letters Editor at the Journal, 780- 429-5220; letters@edmontonjo­urnal.com

As I was driving home from work along River Valley Road on Thursday at about 5 p.m., I felt my car lean to the left. I stopped near the golf course and saw that my left front tire was completely flat.

I did not have a phone with me, so I thought I would keep driving to pick up my son at his taekwondo school near 124th Street and 107th Avenue and call the Alberta Motor Associatio­n from there.

I didn’t make it very far though. I was forced to stop when I smelled burning rubber from the flat tire grinding on the road.

With nowhere to pull over, I stopped in the right lane and got out of my car.

I tried to flag down passing drivers to see if someone would call AMA for me.

About 30 cars went by before a young lady stopped to ask how she could help me.

She was extremely kind, offered her phone and when I apologized that AMA was taking long on the phone, she said I didn’t have to apologize since she was in a better position than I was.

AMA said they would try to get to me within 30 minutes. I grabbed a book and went to stand at the edge of the road to read while I waited.

A young man stopped about 15 minutes later and offered to change the tire for me, even though I said AMA was on their way.

It was just as well he did. It took him 10 minutes to change the tire and AMA hadn’t come by the time he was done.

I asked him for his name and phone number so I could get him a thank you gift, but he declined and said I should pass it on and do a random act of kindness for someone else.

He drove off and I pulled out behind him. As I was driving, I noticed he had left his prescripti­on glasses by my windshield wipers. I stopped and retrieved them.

I feel bad for this Good Samaritan who helped me. How can I get his glasses back to him when I don’t know his number and I don’t have his name?

Stella Gumiro, Edmonton

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