Edmonton Journal

Canadian diamond miner a good ambassador

- CRAIG AND MARC KIELBURGER Craig and Marc Kielburger are co- founders of Free the Children.

The sparkling rock on your finger — there’s a good chance it came from a mine in Botswana, which supplies 22 per cent of the world’s diamonds.

Kgosi Kegapetswe is the chief of Letlhakane, a village in north-central Botswana that borders a huge mine that since 1969 was owned by an internatio­nal diamond company.

For years, he felt like a stranger on his own land.

Access to the land was restricted, according to the chief. When he visited the off-limits property to discuss an issue like grazing rights for his community’s livestock, he waited like a supplicant at the property line. When armed guards admitted him, he was marched to the meeting place and then marched back. He said there wasn’t enough consultati­on with his community. He didn’t even know the company sold the property in 2009 until the new owners showed up.

But when Canadian mining company Lucara Diamond took possession, everything changed.

We have read literally hundreds of news stories about global mining operations abusing the environmen­t and human rights. Canada is home to an estimated 75 per cent of the world’s internatio­nal mining companies, and every time these companies trample rights or the environmen­t, respect for our country takes another hit. In the past several months alone, there have been protests against Canadian-owned mines in Bolivia, Ecuador, the Dominican Republic, Greece, Israel, Nicaragua, Peru, Romania and Slovakia.

But while touring Botswana with Gov. Gen. David Johnston in May, we visited Lucara’s Karowe diamond mine. For only the second time in the history of the mine, they brought out raw diamonds to show visitors. These small, dirty-looking, foggy pebbles were uncut diamonds worth more than $2 million. As the diamonds were showcased, company officials boasted that they had created a different kind of mine — one that respects local communitie­s and wants them to benefit from the mine’s riches.

It sounded too good to be true. When the corporate tour guides weren’t near, we pulled Kegapetswe aside and asked if all this was true, or just a whitewash? He assured us it was real. “It’s not like the other mine that came before,” he said. “We are working together with the mine now and we are happy.”

William Lamb, CEO of B.C.based Lucara Diamond Corp, said that before Lucara ever broke ground, company representa­tives attended numerous meetings in all five surroundin­g villages to introduce themselves, explain the company’s plans for the property and solicit for input and concerns from the residents.

Kegapetswe said the company negotiated fairly with livestock herders whose grazing lands were affected by the mine, and paid relocation costs to those who wished to move.

When Lucara built access roads into the mine site, community members helped plan the routes so local farmers now have better access between their farms and villages.

An environmen­tal plan for the mine was developed with input from the communitie­s and Kegapetswe told us that issues and concerns are acted upon promptly. For example, when mining operations began in 2010, mine vehicles were generating vast clouds of choking dust along the dirt roads that passed by the farms. When he raised the issue, the mine immediatel­y began spraying the roads daily with water to dampen the dust, then followed up to ensure the community was satisfied.

Resource extraction businesses like mines reap the natural riches of a region. We believe that these businesses have an obligation to share the wealth with the people who lived there long before they came, and to whom those natural riches rightly belong.

It’s not enough to simply say that a mine creates local jobs. Mines are not for life — once the diamonds or gold are gone, so are the jobs. A mine that truly wants to benefit its host communitie­s must create opportunit­ies and change that will outlive the mine itself.

Lucara is helping create new long-term industry for the villages around its mine by investing in an abattoir, creating jobs and a place for local farmers to have their livestock processed.

The company is supporting local entreprene­urs by guaranteei­ng startup loans. Women from each of the five villages are learning leadership skills, financial and business skills, and about important issues like women’s health.

As for Kegapetswe, he can walk onto the mine property whenever he wants — no armed guards necessary.

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