Edmonton Journal

Wartime sex slaves seeking justice


TOKYO — A tearful Filipina woman recounted Sunday how she was kidnapped by Japanese troops during the Second World War and coerced into sex slavery, as she and her supporters gathered to demand Japan do more to bring justice to former “comfort women.”

Estelita Dy, 83, and her supporters met in Tokyo as part of events by the group to commemorat­e the day the first victim of Japanese sex slavery came forward on Aug. 14, 1991, and helped lay the groundwork for other victims, including Dy, to come out.

Dy’s supporters and rights groups are trying to gain internatio­nal support to have Aug. 14 become a United Nations-recognized memorial day, as a way to pressure Japan to do more to take responsibi­lity for wartime sex slavery. The day falls just one day before Japan’s Aug. 15 end-of-war anniversar­y.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has backpedall­ed from Tokyo’s past apologies, saying there’s no proof Japan’s wartime government coerced women into prostituti­on for the Japanese Imperial Army.

At Sunday’s meeting, Dy’s supporters, including rights activists, criticized Abe’s government for its rejection of a UN human rights panel’s recommenda­tions earlier this year urging Japan to more seriously take responsibi­lity for sex slavery, better educate the public and take steps to bring justice for the victims. Rechilda Extremadur­a, a member of Dy’s support group, said Dy and others are the “living witnesses” of sex slavery.

Historians say there were as many as 200,000 sex slaves from across Asia, most of them Koreans.

In a tearful speech, Dy said she was kidnapped by Japanese soldiers when she went to a market to sell vegetables in her hometown on the Philippine­s’ Negros island in the autumn of 1944, when she was 14.

Dy, spotted by the soldiers, who were searching for guerrillas, desperatel­y ran to escape, but fell down and was caught, pushed into a truck and taken to a nearby “comfort station,” where she was repeatedly raped for three weeks until American troops rescued her.

She later had a family, but kept her past secret until 1993, when she heard news about sex slavery on the radio.

“At first, I was too embarrasse­d to reveal my past. But I decided to do so because it would be the only way I could get my lost dignity restored,” Dy said.

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