Edmonton Journal

If you want to see your name in print, here’s how


The Journal’s letters page has been called Edmonton’s longest-running conversati­on.

Since 1903, the newspaper has invited readers to share what pleases or perplexes them about their city and their world.

To give more readers a say, we ask you to limit letters to 150 words — even shorter if possible.

If you think you must write longer, we’ll still consider your letters but they’re much less likely to be printed. Here are some other tips: Please include your full name, address and phone number. Only your name and hometown will appear in the paper. We do not use anonymous letters.

Don’t address your letters to third parties, whether it’s an open letter to a politician or a letter sent to your lawyer or a company about a private matter.

Don’t include website links, passages from books or quotes from famous people. We’d rather hear your opinion.

Don’t libel or call people names, accuse them of crimes they’ve not been convicted of, or judge their character or looks.

Because we don’t want any one person to dominate the conversati­on, we try to limit you to one letter a month in print.

If you don’t see your letter in the newspaper, please remember we do not have the space to run every one we receive. Perhaps your letter echoes another that has already been printed. Or perhaps we’ve decided the topic has run its course and we want to move on to other issues. Or your letter might have been posted exclusivel­y online at edmontonjo­unal.com/letters.

Please, write us and tell us what you think. Let’s keep Edmonton’s marathon of talk running.

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