Edmonton Journal

Five-O survives

- Alex Strachan

Surf’s up. Hawaii Five-0 broke ground on a new night to open its fourth season last week, and one question has been answered: more viewers than expected followed Alex O’Loughlin’s Steve McGarrett and Scott Caan’s Danno Williams to Five-0’s new home on Fridays. According to a number of U.S.-based tracking sites, nearly 10 million Five-0 watchers tuned in for the season-opener.

Based on the early evidence of last week’s opening hour, Hawaii Five-0 will survive its potentiall­y deadly move to TV’s so-called ‘Friday night death slot,’ where good shows go to die — and many have, in recent seasons.

Tonight’s episode features a guest appearance by Tim Daly as a Texas Ranger who journeys to the islands to find his missing daughter. Meanwhile, with a murder investigat­ion ongoing, increasing­ly trouble-prone Kono (Grace Park) and Adam (Ian Anthony Dale) try to stay alive, after their hiding location is revealed and dark forces close in. (CBS, Global — 10 p.m.) ❚ Marketplac­e returns for a 41st season with an Erica Johnson exposé of dodgy vet practices. (CBC — 8 p.m.) ❚ The fifth estate returns with The Secrets of Sugar, as reported by Gillian Findlay. One expert says it’s linked to rising rates of obesity, heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s. (CBC — 9 p.m.) ❚ It’s Canada vs. the U.S. on Shark Tank, as Robert Herjavec and Kevin O’Leary team up to take down Mark Cuban over a deal. (ABC, CTV Two — 10 p.m.)

 ??  ?? O’Loughlin: death slot
O’Loughlin: death slot

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