Edmonton Journal

Plan for multi-use rooms

Even a small second bedroom can be designed for additional tasks

- Jefrey Fisher Send your design question to askje ff re yfish er@g mail . com. National Post

Q: My girlfriend and I recently moved into our new-build condo that we’ve been waiting on for over three years. It’s a small two bedroom but we couldn’t be happier. We’ve decorated the entire condo with the exception of the second bedroom/den/office. Our stumbling block has been how best to maximize this small room.

My girlfriend sometimes works from home so an office area would be ideal but we also have occasional overnight guests we love to host (the blow-up mattress isn’t cutting it).

We really don’t need a TV room as we have our television in the main living area (shame on us, I know!).

Currently we’re using this room as storage and we’re both over that.

Any thoughts and inspiratio­n are greatly appreciate­d. Thank you.

A: It sounds as if you and your girlfriend may have hit the proverbial decorating wall.

Take solace in knowing it happens to the best of us. We move into a new space, decorate the obvious rooms and leave the difficult ones until last.

The advantage of having lived in your new condo before hurriedly decorating the second bedroom is that you now know exactly how you want to use the space.

From your email I have discerned you are both in agreement with a guest room-cum-office. T he room in the photo here was designed by Chandos Interiors (chandosint­eriors.com), and though it may be a little traditiona­l looking for your tastes (or not), the central idea and execution is worthy of inspiratio­n.

Utilizing a corner of your room, mimic this daybed and have an upholstery shop custom-build a “headboard” specific to your measuremen­ts. For spatial considerat­ion, the mattress ideally should be single but if you have space, by all means use a double.

If either of you is handy, you could probably pull this off as a DIY project (but sometimes you get what you pay for, if you know what I mean).

You don’t mention whether your room has a window (or two), but covering the windows, headboard and bedskirt in identical fabric will help make your small space visually larger. You can make this room as traditiona­l or modern as you like simply with the fabric and colour you choose. For example, this room would look completely different if the fabric were a grey pinstripe.

Chandos Interiors wallpapere­d the room in the photo and I think it adds an extra layer of interest in a room that will get a lot more use than you probably realize. Again, the feel of the room will be dictated by your choice of wallpaper.

On a day-to-day basis, when guests are not expected, you can store the duvet and sleeping pillows underneath the bed in plastic tubs and prop the bed with bolsters or decorative cushions. The daybed gives you both another area in the condo to escape to should you need some quiet time away from your main living area.

I realize my inspiratio­n photo excludes a desk, but place it on whatever remaining wall has space. You mention that your girlfriend sometimes works from home, so I’m assuming she’s not operating worldwide headquarte­rs from your condo and that a moderate-sized desk will do the trick.

There should still be room for a small cabinet to house a printer and supplies.

It sounds as if not having your second bedroom finished has been driving both of you crazy. I completely understand. It would drive me crazy, too.

I hope this photo provides adequate inspiratio­n as a starting point to create the ideal guest room and office all in one.

Best of luck.

 ?? Julie Soefer ?? Installing a daybed with custom-built headboard in a corner of a bedroom allows you to let the space multi-task as an office in an elegant way.
Julie Soefer Installing a daybed with custom-built headboard in a corner of a bedroom allows you to let the space multi-task as an office in an elegant way.

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