Edmonton Journal

Biden calls for trust in Asia

Feuds threaten prosperity, U.S. VP warns

- Josh Lederman

SEOUL, Sou th Kor ea — Seeking to reassure wary allies, U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden on Friday pushed back against those who question America’s commitment to Asia, which has at times been obscured by an array of distractio­ns at home and abroad.

But Biden warned that without trust and common ground rules, the potential for great prosperity and security in fast-growing Asia may be undermined by mounting tensions in the region.

“This is one of those inflection points in history,” Biden said in a speech at an elite South Korean university. “We actually have a chance — a chance — to bend history just slightly.”

Biden, nearing the end of a weeklong trip through Asia, outlined a broad vision for a U.S.-Asia bond in which cooperatio­n coexists with intense competitio­n. Tracing the arc of South Korea’s evolution since the end of the Korean War, Biden held up this northeast Asian nation as a model for others seeking to emerge from chaos and authoritar­ianism.

To that end, Biden called on Asian countries to open their economies, drop trade barriers, create opportunit­ies for women and co-operate on environmen­tal protection. He called for Asia to adopt a single set of rules to govern relations between nations in a neighbourh­ood where many of the most powerful nations are bitterly feuding.

“With this growth have come new tensions, above and beyond the enduring threats that we face,” Biden said. “The rules and norms that help advance security and prosperity are still evolving to keep pace with the remarkable changes of the 21st century.”

Such threats became the backdrop for Biden’s stops in South Korea, Japan and China, where the vicepresid­ent found himself playing mediator for pressing internatio­nal disputes in a departure from the softer diplomacy typical of vicepresid­ential visits.

South Korea and Japan, the two closest U.S. allies in the region, are engaged in a painful dispute driven by historical enmities dating back nearly a century. And there are new, worrying signs from North Korea. Biden vowed the world would not tolerate Pyongyang’s nuclear weapons program, adding the U.S. was willing to resume multiparty talks with the North if it agrees to full denucleari­zation.

In the choppy waters separating South Korea, China and Japan, a turbulent dispute over Beijing’s claim to airspace over contested islands hung over Biden’s Asia trip. Seizing an opportunit­y to implore Asian nations to stop provoking one another, Biden said he had stressed to Chinese President Xi Jinping that the U.S. military plans to ignore China’s demand that planes flying through the airspace first notify Beijing.

“It will have no effect on American operations. Just ask my general,” Biden said. “None. Zero.”

The vice-president’s words, like his trip to Asia, sought to put a fine point on the Obama administra­tion’s intention to realign America’s foreign-policy focus toward Asia. The U.S. sees the potential for massive growth here but worries that authoritar­ian China will fill the power void by asserting itself more aggressive­ly against its neighbours.

 ?? AHN YOUNG-JOON/AFP/Get ty Imag es ?? South Korean President Park Geun-hye, left, escorts U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden as he arrives for a meeting in Seoul on Friday. Biden was on a weeklong trip through the region.
AHN YOUNG-JOON/AFP/Get ty Imag es South Korean President Park Geun-hye, left, escorts U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden as he arrives for a meeting in Seoul on Friday. Biden was on a weeklong trip through the region.

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