Edmonton Journal

Russian adoption ban ‘heartbreak­ing’

Couples urge PM to intervene

- Paola Loriggio

Three “heartbroke­n” Canadian families who were in the final stages of adopting Russian orphans when Moscow halted all adoptions from countries that recognize same-sex marriage have turned to Stephen Harper for help.

The families pleaded with the prime minister to intercede on their behalf in an open letter released Wednesday, saying previous attempts to resolve the issue through diplomatic channels had failed.

“We just want our kids,” said Kelly Fox, whose applicatio­n to adopt a Russian toddler with her husband was abruptly put on hold in the fall.

Fox, a horticultu­ralist living in Oakville, Ont., said she can’t bear the thought of the little boy they’ve named Dylan Daniil languishin­g in an orphanage. “It’s heartbreak­ing,” she said.

The Russian government enacted legislatio­n in July prohibitin­g the adoption of children by same-sex couples and single people from countries that recognize same-sex marriage.

The country’s highest court issued a directive in August that appears to apply the ban to all couples from countries — including Canada — that recognize same-sex marriage, don’t have a bilateral adoption agreement with Russia and allow the readoption of children without Russian oversight.

Immigratio­n Minister Chris Alexander said Wednesday “the decision in Russia is a great disappoint­ment to us and dozens of families in Canada, same-sex or otherwise. Our concern is with the children impacted by this decision,” he said in an email.

“The government of Canada has raised concerns with the Russian authoritie­s, and we continue to seek clarificat­ion and answers about the impact of this new directive for Canadians seeking to adopt children in Russia.”

The adoption issue adds to the controvers­y over a Russian law banning “gay propaganda,” which has drawn heavy criticism in the leadup to the Winter Olympics in Sochi.

It wasn’t clear Wednesday whether Harper planned to respond to the families’ plea for help.

For Fox and her husband, the crushing news that they might not get custody of Dylan came just as they held a baby shower in anticipati­on of his arrival.

Two other couples—Sherry and Derek Wilson of Oakville, Ont., and Kelly Duffin and Jeremy Strain of Toronto — have also signed the letter.

 ??  ?? Chris Alexander
Chris Alexander

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