Edmonton Journal

TV makers hope Ultra HD will win converts


LAS VEGAS — After attempts to hawk 3-D and OLED TVs fizzled in recent years, television manufactur­ers are taking small steps toward making a new technology, Ultra HD, more viable for mainstream consumers.

It’s the first TV format to be driven by the Internet video-streaming phenomenon, and at the Internatio­nal CES gadget show this week, major streaming players Netflix and Amazon said they’ll offer movies and TV shows in the format, and Sharp introduced a relatively inexpensiv­e TV with near-Ultra HD quality.

The moves are meant to coax consumers to pedal faster on their TV upgrade cycles. At the moment, most Americans buy new TVs about once every seven years. TV manufactur­ers would love to create another wave of buying like the one that sent millions of people to stores a few years ago to upgrade from standard definition, tube TVs to flat-screen HD models.

Unlike the 3-D TV trend, which quickly eroded into a tech fad in recent years, analysts say Ultra HD may actually catch on. With screens that house four times more pixels than regular HD TVs, Ultra HD is a simple enough upgrade to gain widespread adoption in the next few years. Aside from being visually jarring, 3-D required sometimes pricey special glasses and gave some people headaches. Because Ultra HD content can be delivered over a standard highspeed Internet connection, it isn’t likely to get bogged down in a format war that plagued the Blu-ray Disc standard.

 ?? J U L I E JAC O B S O N/ T H E ASS O C I AT E D P R E SS ?? A model stands next to a display of Samsung Ultra HD TVs at the Internatio­nal Consumer Electronic­s Show in Las Vegas.
J U L I E JAC O B S O N/ T H E ASS O C I AT E D P R E SS A model stands next to a display of Samsung Ultra HD TVs at the Internatio­nal Consumer Electronic­s Show in Las Vegas.

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