Edmonton Journal

Doping guru’s tactics worked

Experts wary others will simply build on Anthony Bosch’s extensive knowledge

- Jim Litke

If Anthony Bosch were still in business today, bet on this much: His phone would be buzzing non-stop with athletes trying to order the ARod treatment.

The self-taught doping guru, whose testimony and records brought down Alex Rodriguez, sounded at times like a snakeoil salesman while detailing the down-to-the-minute regimen of performanc­e-enhancing substances he delivered to the disgraced baseball star.

Included were concoction­s called “gummies” and “liquid soap,” “pink cream,” “blue cream” and even “PM cream” — each with varying doses of testostero­ne delivered in different ways throughout the day.

Silly as those sound, don’t laugh. Elite athletes would gargle with antifreeze if they believed that would improve performanc­e without tripping a positive test.

And unlike the deer-antler spray and the other crackpot cures that Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis tried to explain away at last year’s Super Bowl, nearly all of what Bosch was providing A-Rod for $12,000 a month actually worked.

It’s troubling in a very real sense because most of the science passes muster.

Dr. Gary Wadler

Peel away the pseudo-science and Bosch’s bragging and what remained was “probably the most potent and sophistica­ted drug program developed for an athlete that we’ve ever seen, ”U.S.Anti-Doping Agency CEO Travis Tygart said.

“No one who cares about clean sports likes to hear it,” Tygart said in an interview with The Associated Press. “Look at the findings of an independen­t arbitrator who saw all the evidence, sat through the testimony and laid the whole conspiracy out.”

Tygart said Bosch’s regimen included dozens of blood tests to see how the drugs were metabolizi­ng and which doses to use when. It included peptides and female fertility drugs to supplement testostero­ne, human growth hormone and an insulin-like growth factor.

“At the end of the day,” Tygart added, “this was a potent cocktail of sophistica­ted PEDs stacked together to deliver power, aid recovery, avoid detection and create a home run champion.”

Added Dr. Gary Wadler, past chairman of the World Anti-Doping Agency’s banned substance committee: “It was illegal from start to finish and not all of it was scientific, but let’s be honest — this guy Bosch knew an awful lot of what he was talking about.”

Tygart takes some consolatio­n in knowing improvemen­ts to MLB’s drug-testing program make it unlikely a player could avoid detection employing the same regimen today. What troubles him, though, is much of the discussion in the wake of Bosch’s 60 Minutes interview has focused on those substances with catchy nicknames like “gummies” and “pink food,” that did little to improve performanc­e.

Instead, Tygart said the real threat was the sophistica­ted and comprehens­ive knowledge about a PED regimen that Bosch — who was not a licensed physician — was able to acquire and deploy.

Bosch faces potential charges stemming from the Biogenesis investigat­ion.

Tygart referred specifical­ly to an exchange in which Rodriguez told Bosch he had an important game coming up and asked whether he should take “gummies” — a lozenge dosed with testostero­ne — at 10:45 a.m. in case he wound up being required to take a drug test post-game. Bosch replied “10:30.”

“Look, no one can say with that much certainty how long the window (to avoid detection) would be open,” Tygart said. “And most people know that tiny dose, even fast-acting testostero­ne, won’t provide much of a boost. But look at it as part of an overall (PED) program, while in-season testing is taking place. It’s more like maintenanc­e; it’s going to be hard to find, plus it makes the other drugs you’re using more effective ...”

“How many guys will take (Bosch’s) protocols and adopt them?” Wadler asked. “Plenty. Enhancing performanc­e is tied up with a lot of things, legal and illegal, but the bottom line is always money ... When we look at this case, it’s troubling in a very real sense because most of the science passes muster.

“What I’d stress is not the part about it being good science, but that it’s illicit science,” he said finally. “And quite possibly, dangerous at some level, too.”

 ?? R i c h S c h u lt z /G e t ty I m ag e s F i l e s ?? Alex Rodriguez of the New York Yankees reportedly paid self-taught doping guru Anthony Bosch $12,000 a month for his services.
R i c h S c h u lt z /G e t ty I m ag e s F i l e s Alex Rodriguez of the New York Yankees reportedly paid self-taught doping guru Anthony Bosch $12,000 a month for his services.

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