Edmonton Journal

Sexiest accents our own: study


There’s just something sexy “aboat” the Canadian accent — provided you’re a fellow Canadian.

A University of British Columbia study, published Wednesday, finds people overwhelmi­ngly prefer dialects similar to their own, most likely “because they convey a soothing sense of community.” Unlike previous investigat­ions into vocal attractive­ness, which focused on mate selection and the presumed appearance of an unseen speaker, the new research suggests there’s a social belongingn­ess component to voice preference.

“There are so many things we can do with our voice that extend beyond general physical characteri­stics,” said lead author Molly Babel, a professor of linguistic­s. “We felt that our preference­s had to be about more than a person’s shape and size.”

The study was conducted, alongside scholars at the University of California-Santa Cruz, with a group of California­ns who were born and raised in the U.S. state. These participan­ts were asked to rate the attractive­ness of 60 voices — 30 male, 30 female — on a scale of one to nine.

Overwhelmi­ngly, Babel said, people found the greatest appeal in regional dialects similar to their own . In Canada ,where immigrants make up one in five members of the population, Babel said the results imply that newcomers face a social cost to sounding like outsiders.

The good news is that the anecdotal appeal of certain foreign accents suggests that the exotic can also be compelling — particular­ly if the dialect is linked with positive stereotype­s.

“There might be a benefit to having your accent associated with high prestige,” said Babel. “For example, people in North America tend to think someone with a British accent sounds really smart.”

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