Edmonton Journal

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❚ Let’s be realistic. Alison Redford’s gender and parenting choices did generate greater and harsher judgment. She did make mistakes. Name a politician who doesn’t stumble in their 24-hour-a-day world. The pile on was unseemly and swift. Her concern for her daughter regarding public service is an admirable trait in my books. ❚ Alison Redford really wasn’t all that bad a premier. Albertans simply couldn’t afford her. ❚ I would have finally voted for The PC party with Redford as leader. She was progressiv­e. She was at the Pride Festival. She promised not give any money to a billionair­e for an arena like the city gave hundreds of millions ... $45,000 for a flight back from a funeral is small in comparison. She’s a scapegoat for years of PC corruption. ❚ Alison Redford’s director of communicat­ions stated that there are no ‘I’ s in team ... but there are in knives and fired. ❚ I hope that the visual of four grey-haired Caucasian males on stage to announce the interim premier is the kiss of death for Alberta PCs. Obviously, there is no diversity in the future of that party. ❚ Alison Redford’s caucus and party troubles have more to do with PC MLAs fearing the Wildrose than they do with her personalit­y or extravagan­ces. Ralph Klein was an arrogant bully and ran the province for the benefit of corporatio­ns and his high rolling friends, but he never had to worry about losing an election so he never faced her problems. ❚ So, the bully boys and girls of the Klein, West, and Kowalski era have forced our Premier to resign. If you think that all the deregulati­on by the previous government has been stupid, painful, and expensive for the taxpayers, just wait until the bullies take back control. The regressive idiots have returned. No wonder Albertans are looking at Wildrose as a viable alternativ­e. ❚ Regarding the upcoming PC selection of a new leader, I would happily vote for any candidate who does not have ‘at this point in time’ in their vocabulary. ❚ With regard to Alison Redford’s resignatio­n, I realize the fish stinks from the head in the PC party, but the rest of the fish doesn’t smell too good either ❚ Much of the criticism aimed at Redford also applies to Harper and did to Klein, i.e. arrogant bully. Gender is not the difference. The difference is that Harper and Klein had nothing like Wildrose that threatened their re-election. ❚ Now that the PC party has started the process, Albertans, let’s finish the purge and start anew. ❚ Thank God we don’t have as much government as we seem to be paying for. ❚ I guess the Cons don’t get it do they? It’s not just Redford, it’s the party. ❚ When one retires, resigns, or is terminated there is usually a dinner or special event. At the event the audience give a standing ovation for one of two reasons ... everyone is glad to see the person going to a new lifestyle or they are glad the person is finally just going. Take your pick. ❚ Goodbye Alison. Don’t let the door hit you on your private flight out. ❚ The next premier should come from Edmonton and region. We don’t need deregulato­rs. We don’t need to slash and burn and force one generation to balance the budget. We don’t need the constant privatizat­ion of health care and education. Edmonton is always holding the short end of the stick.

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