Edmonton Journal

Disservice to existing TFWs

- Yess y Byl , Edmonton

Re: “Restaurant­s can’t hire foreign workers,” April 25 The federal government is equally guilty of appalling abuse of temporary foreign workers already working in Canada in low-skilled jobs such as in the restaurant industry.

In all the uproar, the government has failed to give any considerat­ion to the hapless TFWs who have been working in Canada for so many years, contributi­ng to our economy and dreaming of the day that they can apply for permanent residency. This government has persisted in an elitist policy that allows only “skilled” TFWs to immigrate — despite the 2009 Parliament­ary Committee Report on the TFW Program recommenda­tion that we make permanent residency available to all TFWs working here. Now those in the restaurant industry cannot even keep their own job. To make things worse, the government recently took away the right of cooks and food services supervisor­s (considered skilled workers) to apply for permanent residency.

Yes, I agree: Let’s not bring any more TFWs into Canada to work in low-skilled jobs where they have virtually no chance for permanent residency.

But this government has the obligation to recognize the contributi­ons and rights of TFWs already here — many of whom have been around five to 10 years. We need to insist that those TFWs in the restaurant industry have the right to apply for permanent residency.

Good enough to work here, good enough to stay.

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