Edmonton Journal

Liberals hang on in Ontario

Voters reject harsh swing to the right


So, it’s a Wynne win. Where to begin?

We could say that, given the wholly unappetizi­ng selections on the menu, Ontarians opted for the devil they know — the status quo with Kathleen Wynne and the Liberals, giving her a majority government. Or, we could say that NDP leader Andrea Horwath lacked a credible pretext for precipitat­ing this vote, and has paid the price — or rather, her party has paid the price. Further, we could say that Conservati­ve leader Tim Hudak ran an unnecessar­ily harsh and ideologica­l campaign that pushed many swing voters into other camps, costing his party the ball game, yet again.

Each of these threads will be fleshed out in the days to come; each is partly true. None is the whole story, or will capture the full range of puzzlement many Ontarians will be feeling now, as they grapple with the reality that, after all the fuss, it’s still the Liberals in charge.

Any way you parse the result, this much is truly staggering: 11 years of Ontario Liberal scandal — broken promises, the gas plants and Ornge, eHealth and OLG, Caledonia and prorogatio­n, industrial wind farms, soaring hydro prices and the Green Energy Act, mounting deficits and debt, the shift from have to have-not status — weren’t enough to propel the Conservati­ves to power, and the Liberals into the weeds. That’s a negative hat trick, for the Tories. This will require some intense soul-searching on their part, and a change of leaders too. More on that later.

For Wynne personally, it’s a significan­t victory. When she first took over the Liberal leadership at the beginning of 2013, few would have given a plugged nickel for her chances of survival.

The monumental mess of the gas-plant scandal and ensuing prorogatio­n seemed too big for any party, particular­ly a latecycle party, to weather.

Yet survive she did, long enough to establish herself as at least middling credible and trustworth­y, in the minds of many voters. Her performanc­e in the televised debate June 3 was weak; she struggled under the dead weight of the Liberal record. Yet somehow, after suffering an initial dip in

“Ontarians are loath to install a right-leaning government at Queen’s Park when one is in power in Ottawa, and vice-versa.”

post-debate polls, she managed to bounce back.

The reason she bounced back, logically, was less her than it was Hudak, and his plan, and his marketing of his plan. Both Hudak and Horwath appear to have entered this campaign with an almost bug-eyed determinat­ion to ignore political reality at all costs.

Horwath had to have known her chances of improving her position were slim; Hudak must have realized a hard right turn and zealous union-bashing would alienate many of the people he needed to persuade. He explained himself repeatedly in interviews, and campaign appearance­s: He would be honest, tell hard truths and let the chips fall where they may.

Good. Except that Hudak went further; On May 9, in a campaign stop in Barrie, he promised to lop 100,000 jobs out of the public sector — without firing a single nurse, doctor or police officer — and bring the province’s books to balance within two years. That represente­d a 15 per cent downsizing of the public sector. At the same time, he pledged to chop corporate taxes down to eight per cent, from the current 11.5 per cent, and in so doing create a million jobs within eight years. In the TV debate, he promised dramatical­ly to resign if he failed.

But the million-jobs plan was half-baked. It was based on accounting that considered any one-year term of employment to be a job, thus boosting his number by a factor of eight. Further, the plan conceded that half those jobs would accrue anyway.

It was a huge bungle — which Hudak blithely ignored after he was called out for it. As for the job cuts, it turned out Ontarians don’t particular­ly want that many civil servants fired. By the time Hudak finally got around to telling people that 80 per cent of the cuts would be from attrition or retirement, it was too late.

The zeal for job cuts, and the specious math, did him in.

The Ontario Tories must now reconcile themselves to the fact that the old balanced pattern of the province’s politics is rocksolid; Ontarians are loath to install a right-leaning government at Queen’s Park when one is in power in Ottawa, and viceversa. For the time being, the Conservati­ves must live up to their namesake, “progressiv­e,” or forget winning power. That means they’ll need a new leader. Hudak opted, rather courageous­ly, to go out with his shield, or on it. He’s gone out on it. He resigned just as the final results rolled in.

What does it mean, in a nutshell? Wynne’s spring budget, which precipitat­ed this contest, is back on the table. And Ontario will continue rolling along, living beyond its means, until it no longer can. Either way, austerity is coming.

Ontarians have opted for a gentler hand to wield the blade.

 ?? FRANK GUNN/THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne casts her ballot in the Ontario election in Toronto on Thursday.
FRANK GUNN/THE CANADIAN PRESS Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne casts her ballot in the Ontario election in Toronto on Thursday.
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