Edmonton Journal

Kings’ coach focused only on the wins

- Cam Cole

LOS ANGELES — Darryl Sutter has said more than once in these playoffs that he was happier with his team’s play in this loss or that one than in some of the games the Los Angeles Kings won.

This, said a press box wag, was the equivalent of California Chrome claiming to have run better in the Belmont than in the Kentucky Derby or Preakness.

But the Kings coach was making no such assertions Thursday.

Back home in the team’s training rink, after a fivehour, 45-minute plane ride and a few precious hours of sleep in his own bed, Sutter wasn’t taking any solace in moral victories. It is only about wins now. Specifical­ly, one more — preferably Friday at home, finishing off a New York Rangers team the Kings lead 3-1 in games — but basically, wherever, whenever.

“We’ve won three games, we gotta win four, it doesn’t matter where we win the fourth,” said L.A. centre Jarret Stoll. “I think that’s a no-brainer.”

They had outshot the Rangers 41-19 the night before, completely overrun them in the offensive zone, and had demonstrat­ed that they were the better hockey team.

Yet they lost. And they were sour about it.

“I don’t like the way the goals were scored against us,” Sutter said. “It was basically right after a (Willie Mitchell) penalty, a penalty that we didn’t have to take after winning a faceoff. The second one was obviously losing a battle at the net.

“If you got to score three goals to win — I’ve said that, I know some don’t agree, but it’s true, I’ve been in it long enough — if you got to score three goals to win, you’re pushing it.”

Especially against Henrik Lundqvist, who played such a stout game in the New York net in heavy traffic, even scoring twice was asking too much.

Did King Henrik get a couple of breaks? Sure. Did the Rangers, almost to a man — including coach Alain Vigneault — conclude that the worm may have turned, and the bounces are now happening for, rather than against, New York? They certainly did.

“Bah. Puck luck is for copouts,” Kings’ Justin Williams said. “I don’t believe in that at all. I’m a true believer that you get what you put into it. We weren’t good enough and we didn’t get paid off. In the grand scheme of things, we need to be better.

“You make your own breaks in this league.”

But Lundqvist said again Thursday there is a degree of randomness in hockey that can turn in either direction and it turned the Rangers’ way on two pucks.

“Well, we needed it,” said the goalie. “There’s so many things you can have an impact on … but there’s also so much out of your control.

“And a couple times, we had that luck that you need in a tight game. Sometimes you say, and maybe you don’t mean it 100 per cent, but in a series against a good team you’re going to need it to win games. You can’t rely on it all the time, but there’s moments in the games where the difference is so small.”

Stoll had no difficulty admitting the existence of bounces.

“That’s sports, too. You work for your bounces, you work for your luck,” he said. “How many times have we seen — playoffs, regular season, any time — where pucks are going off legs and elbow, gloves, shins, whatever and go in the net? You gotta work to get there, that’s how you get your bounces and your luck, and I think it all works out over the course of a game and of a season.”

But pucks stopping in snow? Twice?

“That’s bounces, too,” he said. “In that situation, we had to work harder, work smarter to get the bounce to go our way. Those two situations, it went their way, and we move on.”

The Kings’ problem — aside from Jeff Carter fanning on the first puck that got past Lundqvist before being cleared off the line by Anton Stralman — was their failure to yell “Sweep!”

“Yeah, where I’m from (Melville, Sask.) my aunts, uncles, parents, they all curled. I know some of the lingo, watch the Brier and the Scott Tournament of Hearts.”

Instead, the Rangers survived a siege in the second half of Game 4, lived to see another day, and maybe put just the tiniest seed of doubt in the Kings’ minds.

“I don’t know,” Lundqvist said. “Hopefully.

“They’re a confident team. They’re pretty consistent with the way they play. But I’m not so concerned with where they’re at mentally.

“We’re just looking at tomorrow as a great opportunit­y to take this back to New York. It would be a lot of fun to get another game in New York and see what we could do.”

The Kings think it comes down to their game, as all great teams do.

“We know we can do more, especially at the start of games. Being harder, being heavier, all those good things,” said Stoll, who said the slow start Wednesday was not due to the Rangers’ playing for their lives. “No, that was us,” he said.

The Kings’ confidence, said Williams, is “pretty high. I have confidence in this team, in every aspect, every facet of hockey. We’ll be ready, we know what’s at stake — we don’t want to go back there. It’s a long plane ride.”

The plane ride Saturday would be close enough to six hours, maybe a fraction less with the prevailing winds going East.

But still too long to look the least bit attractive.

For a lot of reasons, it might be best to take care of business as soon as possible. If they can.

 ?? J i m Mc I sa ac /G e t ty I m ag e s ?? New York Rangers goalie Henrik Lundqvist stops Jarret Stoll of the Los Angeles Kings in the third period of Game 4 of the Stanley Cup Final in New York on Wednesday.
J i m Mc I sa ac /G e t ty I m ag e s New York Rangers goalie Henrik Lundqvist stops Jarret Stoll of the Los Angeles Kings in the third period of Game 4 of the Stanley Cup Final in New York on Wednesday.
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