Edmonton Journal

Kurds claim much of Iraq’s north.

Kurds have claimed stretches of oil-rich northern territory

- Diaa Hadid and Emad Matt i

MULA ABDULA, Iraq — Among rolling wheat fields with machine-gun fire rattling in the distance, Kurdish fighters patrol the new frontier of their autonomous region of northern Iraq, dozens of kilometres from their official border. In front of them are Islamic militants. Behind them is the Kurds’ newly captured prize, stretches of oil-rich territory.

In Iraq’s chaos, the Kurds are emerging as significan­t winners — and their victories are fuelling sentiment among their population to declare outright independen­ce.

As Sunni insurgents swept over a large chunk of northern Iraq and barrelled toward Baghdad the past two weeks, Kurdish fighters known as peshmerga seized territory of their own, effectivel­y expanding the Kurdish-run region into areas it has long claimed. Most notably, they grabbed the oil centre of Kirkuk. And in contrast to the Shiite-led government in Baghdad, which is in turmoil, the Kurds are growing more confident, vowing to increase oil sales independen­t of the central government.

The gains have also brought the Kurds challenges barely imaginable just days ago. They must defend a new 1,000-kilometre frontier against Sunni insurgents, led by an al-Qaida breakaway group, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. Some 300,000 Iraqis who fled the insurgent advance have flooded into Kurdish areas, an extra burden to an already cash-strapped autonomy government.

And the Kurds risk a backlash. In Kirkuk, Sunni Arabs and ethnic Turkomans — who have long opposed Kurdish claims over the city — threaten a revolt if the Kurds don’t share administra­tion of the city and any oil revenues.

Still, the sense of exuberance is palpable among Kurds, who make up 20 per cent of Iraq’s mostly Arab population.

“Now that the peshmerga took back our disputed areas, we should have our own country. We deserve it,” Khaled Ismail said in the Kurdish area of Khazer.

The 19-year-old student wants independen­ce so Kurdistan can sell its own oil and have the status statehood brings like a passport, representa­tion internatio­nally — and a national soccer team.

“If we had a Kurdish team in the World Cup, it would be great,” he said.

However, declaring independen­ce — and formally fragmentin­g Iraq — is not easy. The United States and neighbouri­ng Turkey oppose Kurdish independen­ce. And the Kurds can expect constant clashes not just with insurgents but with Iraqi forces as well if they unilateral­ly break away and claim the areas they grabbed, Kurdish analyst Hiwa Osman said. “If the Kurds want true independen­ce, (there) has to be a treaty,” he said.

Given that resistance, the Kurdish government is pressing for even greater powers of autonomy but not full independen­ce.

The Kurds’ territoria­l grab is substantia­l. The recognized Kurdish autonomous region — defined as three northern provinces — effectivel­y expanded by 40 per cent, according to an estimate by Gareth Stansfield, an expert on Kurdish affairs.

The peshmerga moved into territory along the edges of their region, from near the Rabia border-crossing into Syria in the northwest to the city of Jalula in the southeast near the Iranian border.

The Kurds say the move was to protect those areas when the military fled the insurgents’ advance after the ISIL captured the northern city of Mosul on June 6.

But many of these areas have large Kurdish communitie­s that the Kurds have long demanded be incorporat­ed into their zone, making them unlikely to give them up.

This week, the peshmerga patrolled the front line separating them from Sunni insurgents, along wheat fields in an area known as Mula Abdula. The area is more than 50 kilometres from the official Kurdish zone’s borders. The area was littered with bullet casings, and gunfire and the occasional thud of a tank shell could be heard from fighting further down the road.

Some 25 kilometres behind them, in Kurdish hands, was Kirkuk and surroundin­g oilrich lands.

“It’s by far the biggest field in the north, and now the Kurds sit on top of it,” Stansfield said.

The Kurdish autonomous zone has its own oil resources, currently producing about 220,000 barrels a day, and it has long argued with Baghdad over sharing revenues from that oil. The Kurdish government in May sold oil independen­tly of the central government for the first time — around 1.05 million barrels, shipped out by their own pipeline to Turkey. In retaliatio­n, Baghdad stopped giving the Kurds the proportion of the central budget they are entitled to receive.

Safeen Dizayee, the Kurdish regional government spokesman, said the Kurds intend to increase independen­t oil sales, aiming for 400,000 barrels a day.

“The more we can produce,” he said, “the more we will sell.”

 ?? Dan Kitwood/Get ty Images ?? A peshmerga fighter directs traffic at a Kurdish checkpoint Saturday in Kalak, Iraq. As fighting rages throughout the country, Kurds in the north are asserting their independen­ce.
Dan Kitwood/Get ty Images A peshmerga fighter directs traffic at a Kurdish checkpoint Saturday in Kalak, Iraq. As fighting rages throughout the country, Kurds in the north are asserting their independen­ce.

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