Edmonton Journal

Pistorius in altercatio­n at trendy nightclub

Athlete in headlines again as lawyers ready final arguments in murder trial


JOHANNESBU­RG, SOUTH AFRICA — Oscar Pistorius was in an altercatio­n at an upmarket nightclub over the weekend, his family said Tuesday.

Pistorius went with a cousin to a trendy Johannesbu­rg nightclub on Saturday, where he was accosted by a man who aggressive­ly questioned him about his murder trial, his family confirmed.

The man gave a different version, saying the double-amputee runner was drunk, insulted his friends and the family of President Jacob Zuma and poked him in the chest, according to Johannesbu­rg’s Star newspaper.

Regardless of who started the argument, the weekend episode focuses fresh attention on the disputed character of Pistorius, a globally recognized athlete who is on trial for murder after he fatally shot girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp through a closed bathroom door on Feb. 14, 2013. Defence lawyers describe Pistorius, currently free on bail, as a vulnerable figure with a disability who pulled the trigger in a tragic case of mistaken identity, but prosecutor­s portray him as a gun-obsessed hothead who shot Steenkamp after the couple quarrelled.

The trial is on a break ahead of closing arguments on Aug. 7-8, sparing Pistorius the near-daily trip to the Pretoria courthouse, where he has sometimes wept and wailed in apparent distress during testimony.

The nightclub argument has put him back on the front pages of South Africa’s press, which has also highlighte­d a number of quotations about suffering and religious faith that appeared on his Twitter account in the hours that followed.

The altercatio­n in the nightspot cannot be a factor in Pistorius’ trial, said a legal analyst who has closely followed proceeding­s.

“It would not be appropriat­e to mention it in closing arguments as it would constitute hearsay as no previous witness has entered evidence of it on the trial record,” Kelly Phelps, a senior lecturer in the public law department at the University of Cape Town, wrote in an email.

“If it had occurred earlier in proceeding­s the gentleman concerned could have been called as a witness or Mr. Pistorius could have been questioned on the reports. Even then it would have very little value. The most important thing the court needs to determine is what Pistorius was thinking and how he was acting on the night in question,” wrote Phelps, referring to the night on which Pistorius killed Steenkamp.

Pistorius had been barred from consuming alcohol under early bail conditions, but the ban was rescinded after the defence appealed.

He was seated in a quiet booth in the VIP section of the nightclub before he was approached, said Anneliese Burgess, a spokeswoma­n for the Pistorius family.

“The individual, according to my client, started to aggressive­ly interrogat­e him on matters relating to the trial. An argument ensued during which my client asked to be left alone,” she said in a statement. “Oscar soon thereafter left the club with his cousin. My client regrets the decision to go to a public space and thereby inviting unwelcome attention.”

The man who argued with Pistorius is Jared Mortimer, according to Johannesbu­rg’s Star newspaper and The Juice, a South African celebrity news website, which quoted Mortimer as saying the Paralympic athlete started the confrontat­ion.

Pistorius said Mortimer’s friends had betrayed him in the murder trial, The Star quoted Mortimer as saying in an apparent reference to evidence presented in court. The athlete also said he had informatio­n that could get those friends into trouble, but he would not use it, according to Mortimer.

Pistorius also insulted the family of the South African president, Jacob Zuma, upsetting Mortimer, who is a friend of a member of Zuma’s family, according to the newspaper.

The altercatio­n happened Saturday night in Sandton, an upscale area in Johannesbu­rg, according to South African media.

A woman who answered the telephone at The VIP Room, the club where the incident occurred, said club owner Chris Coutroulis was “overseas” and was awaiting reports from club staff who witnessed the altercatio­n.

 ?? A LO N S KU Y/ T H E ASS O C I AT E D P R E SS/ F I L E ?? Oscar Pistorius is shown in a South African courtroom during his murder trial. The Olympic athlete has been accused of an aggressive altercatio­n at an upscale Johannesbu­rg nightclub he visited on the weekend.
A LO N S KU Y/ T H E ASS O C I AT E D P R E SS/ F I L E Oscar Pistorius is shown in a South African courtroom during his murder trial. The Olympic athlete has been accused of an aggressive altercatio­n at an upscale Johannesbu­rg nightclub he visited on the weekend.

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