Edmonton Journal

Michael Den Tandt.

The facts support his tough stance against Hamas


John Baird, the foreign affairs minister, has elicited the usual outrage from the usual quarters over his recent declaratio­ns about Hamas’ war with Israel, currently in its third week. In particular Baird has raised eyebrows with his blunt assertion that Hamas, the terrorist organizati­on that holds power in Gaza, is solely responsibl­e for the now more than 700 deaths on the Palestinia­n side. It’s more fodder for those who are convinced Prime Minister Stephen Harper is a foreign-policy Neandertha­l, and John Baird his senior club-wielder.

But weighing against all that, is this: The facts are on Baird’s side. And the test of that is simply to pose this one question: What can Israel logically do, other than what it is now doing?

There is no minimizing, explaining away, looking away from, or justifying the horror of what is unfolding in Gaza. Thursday, The Associated Press reported, Israeli shells hit a United Nations school. At least 15 people died and many more were injured.

The dead and wounded, according to reports, were fleeing the violence outside. Gaza is crowded, poor, with ramshackle and shoddy services, even in times of relative peace. For Palestinia­n families trapped between Hamas rocketeers and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), with water and food running short, the suffering is unimaginab­le.

That is why, virtually since the conflict began 17 days ago, there have been efforts toward a ceasefire. The first, brokered by Egypt, was accepted by Israel but rejected by Hamas. This week Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal torpedoed the idea again by insisting, from the safety of his perch in Qatar, that there can be no truce before Israel’s eight-year economic blockade of Gaza is lifted, a border crossing with Egypt is opened, and Palestinia­n prisoners are released, the BBC reported. That slams the door on any ceasefire plan, because these are conditions Israel cannot accept.

It is clear today, as it has been since Hamas launched its first volley of rockets, that the organizati­on’s leadership wants the conflict to continue. It is also clear that it is seeking precisely the outcomes we’re now seeing, that is to say the bombing of schools by the IDF. Its strategic goal is to isolate Israel internatio­nally. The fact that such schools are being used by Hamas to stockpile rockets is sure to be eclipsed by photos of the carnage.

Why can’t Israel accede to Hamas’ demands? The first part of the answer is quite simple: Hamas wants all Israeli Jews dead, and an Islamist theocratic dictatorsh­ip establishe­d over all the current territory now encompasse­d by the State of Israel. The organizati­on says so explicitly in its founding charter, which dates back to 1988. “The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them),” reads Article 7 of the charter, “until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!”

There is no negotiatin­g with Hamas; no two-state solution; no land for peace.

Part two of the answer is linked to part one. Hamas is not a government, as westerners typically understand the term. It cannot really even be categorize­d among thuggish government­s or garden-variety dictatorsh­ips. It is a terrorist group, with some of the powers of a state. It has launched numerous suicide bombers against Israel, successful­ly, killing hundreds of Israeli civilians

“O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!”


in mass murders on buses and in restaurant­s or hotels.

Hamas has habitually sent dogs and donkeys laden with explosives toward Israeli targets, and continues to do so, according to a report from Britain’s London Daily Telegraph. It has built an extensive network of assault tunnels into Israel.

And, Hamas deliberate­ly fires rockets from densely populated areas, knowing most of these will be shot down, apparently in the hope of drawing return fire, which furthers its propaganda aims. In other words, Hamas appears to be deliberate­ly provoking and perpetuati­ng the killing of its own people. To that long list of barbaritie­s we can now add the strategic targeting of internatio­nal civilian aviation, with rockets aimed at Ben Gurion Airport.

Can Israel stop the barrages of rocket attacks by means other than those it is now employing? If so, no one has yet properly explained just how. To belabour the point, the rockets are launched from densely populated areas in Gaza. There is no desert outpost or collection of empty tents or mostly deserted factories to symbolical­ly target with Cruise missiles, as U.S. president Bill Clinton did in Afghanista­n and Sudan in 1998.

Horrible though the reality is, Hamas has put Israel in a position where it has no choice but to defend its citizens. Canadians, Americans, and Europeans would not tolerate for a day the terror Israelis are being subjected to now.

Baird has been among the clearest voices internatio­nally in describing this situation for what it is. For that he deserves credit, and not the reflexive brickbats of “human rights” advocates who have grown far too accustomed to casting Israel as the villain, regardless of the facts.

 ?? KARIM JAAFAR /AFP/GET TY IMAGES ?? Islamist Hamas movement chief, Khaled Mashaal, said the organizati­on had rejected a ceasefire to end 16 days of deadly fighting with Israel unless the blockade on the Gaza Strip is lifted.
KARIM JAAFAR /AFP/GET TY IMAGES Islamist Hamas movement chief, Khaled Mashaal, said the organizati­on had rejected a ceasefire to end 16 days of deadly fighting with Israel unless the blockade on the Gaza Strip is lifted.
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