Edmonton Journal

So smart that it’s scary

Abrupt conclusion to thriller may leave some viewers feeling cheated


Lucy ★★★ 1/2

Starring: Scarlett Johansson, Morgan Freeman Directed by: Luc Besson

Running time: 90 minutes

Do humans use only 10 per cent of their brainpower?

No. It’s a fallacy that seems to have sprung from William James’ 1907 book The Energies of Men, in which he wrote that “as a rule men habitually use only a small part of the powers which they actually possess.”

He was basically calling us lazy.

But do great minds think alike? Yes, although the jury is still out on the “great” part.

How else to explain that this summer has provided us with two movies in which characters become superhuman geniuses — and that, in both, the part of “wise, calm voice of reason” is played by Morgan Freeman?

Transcende­nce gave us Johnny Depp as a scientist who downloads his brain into a supercompu­ter and starts taking over the world.

Lucy stars Scarlett Johansson as a U.S. student in Taipei, Taiwan, who gets caught up with drug trafficker­s and accidental­ly becomes a test subject for what happens when you overdose on something called CPH4.

The drug looks like the little rocks you find at the bottom of fishbowls. But its effects are far more profound.

“I feel everything,” Lucy says at one point. She develops total recall, gains complete control over her body — she can choose not to feel pain — and can read people’s minds.

Actually, it’s more correct to say she can read their brains, with a little hands-on trick that will have Star Trek fans nodding knowingly.

Lucy is the latest from writer/director Luc Besson, whose last couple of movies (The Family, The Lady) have been moderate misfires, but who also gave us Léon: The Profession­al, The Fifth Element and (as writer only) the Transporte­r and Taken series, not to mention the nuttiest action flick of 2012, Lockout.

This one seems like an early contender for the title this year, as Lucy races from Taiwan to Paris to track down Freeman’s character, a scientist whose theories about the human brain dovetail nicely with what’s happening to hers.

Along the way she shows off her ability to learn languages, drive perfectly in heavy traffic, and even control matter and energy.

She makes a French cop (Amr Waked) do her bidding while using just 60 per cent of her brain — although to be fair she also employs 40 per cent of her lips. Lucy is on the run from the mysterious Mr. Jang (Min-sik Choi from the original Oldboy), who had planned to use her to transport CPH4 into Europe, where it would be sold (in small quantities, mind you) as a recreation­al drug.

The overdose occurs when the drug packet, which has been tucked inside her abdomen, accidenta lly ruptures.

The problem with the plot — and it’s one that bedevilled the makers of Transcende­nce, and the similarly themed Limitless with Bradley Cooper — is where to take things.

Eventually, your character is going to be a lot smarter than even the best screenwrit­er, and the cracks in the story are going to grow until the whole edifice collapses.

Besson solves this (sort of) by bringing the film to a rather sudden conclusion.

Before he does, we see Lucy manipulati­ng space and time with the effortless finger-swipes of an iPad aficionado.

“Time gives proof to the existence of matter,” she notes mysterious­ly, before embarking on an existentia­l journey.

I won’t say exactly where she goes, but I think Terrence Malick was her travel agent.

The abrupt conclusion may strike some viewers as something of a cheat, but it beats the alternativ­e.

In filmmaking, it’s always better to end your story early and be accused of the crime of not using your whole brain than to keep going and be found guilty of it.

 ?? J E SS I C A FO R D E / U N I V E R SA L ST U D I OS ?? Scarlett Johansson stars in Lucy, about a woman who unlocks the full power of her brain after a drug plot goes wrong.
J E SS I C A FO R D E / U N I V E R SA L ST U D I OS Scarlett Johansson stars in Lucy, about a woman who unlocks the full power of her brain after a drug plot goes wrong.

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