Edmonton Journal

Health board member quits over expenses

Resignatio­n comes amid allegation­s of illegal donations


Health Quality Council board member John Vogelzang resigned Thursday after Alberta opposition parties urged him to step down over allegation­s of illegal donations to the governing provincial Tories and extravagan­t expense claims.

Board chairman Dr. Tony Fields, who at first defended Vogelzang, announced the resignatio­n after all three opposition parties issued statements calling the credibilit­y of the council into question.

“We take very seriously the potential impact on our organizati­on of the findings published today,” Fields said in a late afternoon statement. “I would like to reassure Albertans of our commitment to maintain their trust while fulfilling our important mandate in Alberta’s health-care system.”

The council is responsibl­e for ensuring the quality and safety of health services for Albertans.

Vogelzang stepped down from the watchdog council following the release of expense claims suggesting the former health region CEO made illegal donations to the Progressiv­e Conservati­ve party and claimed more than $21,000 on meals and rounds of golf between 2005 and 2008.

The documents, obtained by the CBC under freedom of informatio­n legislatio­n after a lengthy battle, suggest Vogelzang claimed tickets for four PC fundraisin­g dinners while he was heading the David Thompson health region, but later paid back $2,875 after CBC applied to see his expenses.

Earlier in the day, Fields said Vogelzang brings executive health care leadership experience to the Health Quality Council board, as well as governance experience from a variety of other boards and committees.

Fields said Vogelzang, who was appointed to the board in December 2013, has always followed the board’s expense policy rules.

But the Wildrose Official Opposition immediatel­y slammed the donations and the spending, and the other parties followed suit.

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