Edmonton Journal

Honouring Gabriella and her champions

Parents cater lunch for staff on anniversar­y of infant’s death


A handful of baby toys rests atop a table in the corner of Tiffany and Morgan Reed’s living room in Sherwood Park. Above it hangs a picture of their beloved sunny-faced little girl, Gabriella, who was six months old when she succumbed to liver disease on Dec. 22, 2013.

“She fought a hard battle,” Tiffany Reed says, cheeks streaked with tears.

“She went through so much. Each time they wheeled her into the operating room I knew she might not come back.”

A tad over seven pounds at birth, Gabriella showed no sign of illness until Oct. 2, when her parents brought her to the Stollery Children’s Hospital after finding blood in her stool.

Diagnosed with biliary atresia, an illness that strikes only a handful of infants in Alberta each year, she remained in treatment at the hospital until she died six days after undergoing a liver transplant.

On Monday, the one-year anniversar­y of her death, Tiffany and Morgan Reed are having food delivered to doctors, nurses and other staff members who tried their best to arrest Gabriella’s condition.

“I wanted to do something in her memory, but I didn’t want to just donate a lump of cash,” Tiffany said. “We figured what better way than to do something for the staff who went through this with us. I want people to know they did enough for us to feel like we wanted to give back to them.”

While seeking price quotes from a handful of businesses, Tiffany contacted the Press’d Sandwich Shop nearest the hospital. Reading her email, Scott Gordon was overcome with emotion.

He sent her a quote for a little less than $1,000 — and then offered to provide lunch for free on Monday to 60 employees at the Stollery on her behalf.

“It’s a pretty heart-wrenching story and it was a really compelling email,” said Gordon, who co-founded the sandwich chain with a former fellow basketball player from the University of Alberta. “She wasn’t asking for a handout, just a quote. But I brought it up with my partner and we decided to do something to help. It’s the holidays, and we just thought it would be a nice thing to do.”

Still grieving the loss, the Reeds are overcome with the generosity being shown.

“It is a season of giving, but I never had a thought at all about somebody doing that,” Tiffany said. “It was a shock.”

Taking leave from teaching positions at Queen Elizabeth High School, the couple moved into an apartment across from the hospital for several months to be near their daughter. They remember how she loved her soother, had started to smile, and happily kicked her feet even as her illness grew worse.

“My memory of her is that she was playful,” Tiffany said.

Three small stockings hang from a mantle in the living room a short distance from the table where Gabriella’s toys sit idle.

Only recently, Tiffany learned she is pregnant — and carrying twins.

“It gives a lot of people chills,” she said. “Some of them have told me, ‘Maybe, it’s Gabriella coming back with a friend.’

“I believe she is around, and controllin­g the situation.” mklinkenbe­rg@edmontonjo­urnal.com

 ?? GREG SOUTHAM/ EDMONTON JOURNAL ?? Tiffany Reed and husband Morgan are catering a lunch on Monday for staff at the Stollery Children’s Hospital who helped care for their daughter, Gabriella Kam-Nga Reed. Scott Gordon (standing), of the Press’d Sandwich, is donating the lunch
GREG SOUTHAM/ EDMONTON JOURNAL Tiffany Reed and husband Morgan are catering a lunch on Monday for staff at the Stollery Children’s Hospital who helped care for their daughter, Gabriella Kam-Nga Reed. Scott Gordon (standing), of the Press’d Sandwich, is donating the lunch
 ?? SUBMITTED ?? Gabriella Kam-Nga Reed died on Dec. 23, 2013, at six months of a rare liver condition.
SUBMITTED Gabriella Kam-Nga Reed died on Dec. 23, 2013, at six months of a rare liver condition.

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