Edmonton Journal

Can statins cause diabetes?

Find the truth between the lines in new study in medical journal

- DR. MEHMET OZ AND DR. MICHAEL ROIZEN Mehmet Oz, M. D. is host of The Dr. Oz Show, and Mike Roizen, M. D. is Chief Wellness Officer and Chair of Wellness Institute at Cleveland Clinic. Email your health and wellness questions to Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen at yo

Q: I just read that taking statins can cause diabetes, which can seriously increase my risk for heart disease. I thought statins were supposed to reduce my risk. What’s the story?

A: You’re referring to the sixyear followup to the Metabolic Syndrome in Men study that was recently published in the journal Diabetolog­ia. Researcher­s found that among study participan­ts who took statins (simvastati­n or atorvastat­in) insulin sensitivit­y was decreased by 24 per cent and insulin secretion by 12 per cent; plus, the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes jumped by 46 per cent. The dose of statins affected the degree of increased risk.

Let’s look at that. These guys already had metabolic syndrome. That means they had at least three of the following health issues: a large waistline, high triglyceri­des, low HDL “good” cholestero­l, high blood pressure and high fasting blood sugar — all associated with developing diabetes whether you take statins or not. Plus, previous studies have shown that folks on statins tend to think they have a free ride (“The pill will make up for the high-fat, overproces­sed foods I eat”) and end up indulging in cheeseburg­ers or ice cream and throw dietary caution to the wind. In fact, research has found that in the decade since 2000, people taking statins for high cholestero­l increased their caloric intake by 9.6 per cent and their fat intake by 14.4 per cent.

The diet choices statins users make, if they’re fatladen, could add to increased insulin resistance and decreased insulin production. But we know that statins are an effective way to lower lousy LDL cholestero­l and are associated with a decrease in the risk for heart attack and stroke. So, don’t stop taking statins without talking to your doc. And don’t pop statins and eat barbecue pork.

Q: I’m 44 and was scheduled for foot surgery, but my blood pressure is too high. How I can get my blood pressure under control when I can’t walk around much?

A: First, look at this as an opportunit­y, not a setback. High blood pressure is associated with a greatly increased risk for stroke, heart attack, kidney problems, sexual dysfunctio­n, cognitive decline and diabetes. Lowering it by 10 mmHg reduces your chances of dying from cardiovasc­ular disease and stroke by 25 per cent and 40 per cent, respective­ly.

So what’s your goal and how can you get there? In general, if you’re younger than 60 and your bottom number (diastolic) is 90 or above, you should take antihypert­ensive medication­s and start a rigorous blood-pressure-lowering lifestyle routine. Although there’s some variation in recommenda­tions for target blood pressure levels, we think you should aim for around 115/75.

Now, here’s how to lower it:

Numero uno: Take your meds exactly as prescribed. Then, if you’re overweight, it’s essential you shed some pounds.

As for physical activity? A recent study in kids found that spending more than two hours a day watching TV ups the risk for HBP 30 per cent (it’s bad for adults too), and getting less than an hour of physical activity daily bumps the risk 50 per cent. So you want to get movin’! With a hurting foot, you can still do upper-body work with hand weights or stretch bands and some leg exercises. Ask your doc about a safe routine for you.

Another important step: Meditate 10 minutes daily. One study found that it reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressure by approximat­ely 4.7 and 3.2 mmHg, respective­ly.

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