Edmonton Journal

Flawed moral compasses


Re: “Prentice wants ‘real issues’ in spotlight,” April 30 PC Leader Jim Prentice supports Mike Allen because the incumbent Fort McMurray-Wood Buffalo MLA ’fessed up after being caught soliciting hookers.

I can see Prentice jumping up and shouting, “He’s an honest man with copious integrity and I want him on my team,” or similar drivel.

Maybe Prentice should be looking at the values of an MLA who gets caught trying to hire hookers, on provincial time, in another country; and maybe also look at the party’s moral values at the same time. Somebody’s moral compass (pick one) is in really bad shape.

In another self-serving move, Prentice also initially chopped the charitable tax credit while leaving the political tax credit untouched.

Rick Ireland, Spruce Grove

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