Edmonton Journal

Petition for Father Jim


In a small parish the petition to keep Father Jim Holland has reached over 2,500 signatures in a two-week period.

The Oblates of OMI Lacombe Canada have no regard for the people of Sacred Heart Church of the First Peoples or of the inner city communitie­s within the city of Edmonton.

The plan to replace Father Jim with three priests with no mentoring can be attributed to what is good for the Oblates, not for the parishione­rs or the community. This is a continuati­on of the Oblates’ history of cease and conquer with disrespect for the people they are trying to serve.

Father Jim has served our parish and community for over 20 years. His removal is not Christian; it is cruel and unjust. If it is policy of the OMI and the Catholic church to move priests after a few years, why was this not done a long time ago?

One reason for removal was that Father Jim does not come to Oblates meetings, well when you are doing the work of three men, do you really blame him? This seems more like a political move within the Oblates and the Catholic church.

If the parishione­rs and community voices are not heard and their wishes not granted, I ask what kind of Church do you have?

Carol Perdue, Edmonton

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