Edmonton Journal

Harper’s silence speaks volumes

What’s not said sometimes is more noteworthy than the things he says


The leader of the Conservati­ve Party of Canada, always a discipline­d communicat­or, is becoming positively sphinxlike as he heads to the election that will make or break his legacy.

Stephen Harper is increasing­ly declining to engage on subjects that don’t advance his electoral interests, to the point that his silences are sometimes more noteworthy than the things he says.

Harper has failed, for example, to comment on the release of the Truth and Reconcilia­tion Report into crimes committed against aboriginal­s at residentia­l schools. Harper did not say anything at the closing ceremonies he attended at Rideau Hall. He did not hold a news conference, as most leaders would do as a matter of course when their government has received a $50-million report that took six years to put together.

But this leader doesn’t do that kind of thing. The last time he held a real news conference in Ottawa was in December 2012.

Not only has he not held a news conference, he made no statement and did no interviews. He did comment during question period, but only by ritualisti­cally parrying questions and attacking his opponents.

He missed an opportunit­y to play a helpful role in a national conversati­on that is taking place without him.

Harper’s silence seems especially noteworthy since Justice Murray Sinclair’s report calls for exactly the opposite: dialogue.

Many of Sinclair’s recommenda­tions have to do with making Canadians aware of the gaps in our history books where aboriginal stories should be, asking that law schools and journalism schools, for instance, add subjects to their curricula.

“To the commission, reconcilia­tion is about establishi­ng and maintainin­g a mutually respectful relationsh­ip between aboriginal and nonaborigi­nal peoples in this country,” Sinclair writes.

In order for that to happen, there has to be awareness of the past, acknowledg­ment of the harm that has been inflicted, atonement for the causes, and action to change behaviour.

“Too many Canadians know little or nothing about the deep historical roots of these conflicts. This lack of historical knowledge has serious consequenc­es for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples, and for Canada as a whole.”

Harper knows this history. He spoke movingly about it in 2008 when he apologized on behalf of the government.

“You have been working on recovering from this experience for a long time and in a very real sense, we are now joining you on this journey,” he said then.

Now that the journey is ending, Harper is walking off without saying a word.

He had the opportunit­y to say something helpful, to show leadership, as other party leaders, and provincial and municipal leaders have done.

When he released his report, Sinclair said “words are not enough” to address the legacy of suffering. But Harper has not even offered words.

After saying nothing in Ottawa, he went to the Toronto riding of Finance Minister Joe Oliver to warn television viewers about the threat from jihadi terrorists, delivering his tough lines in front of a backdrop of mute supporters and a huge flag, as he recently did in Montreal.

On Thursday, Harper took four questions; none about the Truth and Reconcilia­tion Commission. Nor did he say anything about the OPP report this week that found RCMP failings left the force ill-prepared for the Oct. 22 shooting.

Harper has the right to hold his tongue, to only discuss subjects that might help him in the coming election.

And the rest of us have the right to take note of his silences and carry on conversati­ons without him.

 ?? SEAN KILPATRICK/THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Prime Minister Stephen Harper made no comments about the release of the Truth and Reconcilia­tion Commission’s report,
SEAN KILPATRICK/THE CANADIAN PRESS Prime Minister Stephen Harper made no comments about the release of the Truth and Reconcilia­tion Commission’s report,
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