Edmonton Journal

How to get fit with Fido.

You and your canine can get fit together

- Jodie Sinnema

Sam, a six-year-old Bichon-Shih Tzu, raises his wee leg and sprinkles on some equipment.

This — and road-apple dog breath, flying fur and saliva — could be your trials and tribulatio­ns should you choose to work out in an offleash dog area. But imagine the level of endorphins that will circulate through your bloodstrea­m as you burn stress, calories and get your heart pumping. Your wobbly wiener dog named Mr. Woofertons may also thin down his waddle.

“The traditiona­l idea is to take your dog to the dog park and work your dog, but you’re usually standing around or gently walking,” says Lorraine Glass, an instructor in NAIT’s fitness trainer program and owner of two dogs: MacGee, a two-year-old Irish Setter, and Mark Anthony, a three-year-old Bernese Mountain Dog.

Better to take advantage of the daily walk and harness yourself.

“It’s an easy time to combine that busy day that you have and take that into a movement-matters situation so you can do some exercise or movement patterns at the same time,” Glass says.

“I think that sometimes people don’t think about the opportunit­y to do something while their dog is off chasing a ball. … A lot of people don’t like to exercise because it’s been so formalized. Sometimes they’re missing that fun aspect.

“Movement is about three dimensiona­l moves — move to the front, move to the back, move to the side and rotation and then that height element — and we can get all that in when we’re playing with our dogs or walking our dogs.”

Follow these steps to get panting alongside Rufus. Step 1: Make sure your dog can follow basic commands, such as Come and Sit.

You don’t want Fido running onto the road or acting aggressive­ly with other dogs while you’re doing knee lifts.

Make sure you also follow rules, such as always having the leash with you.

“They’re jumping logs. They’re looking for the odd porcupine. They’re doing all those things, the squirrels,” Glass says. An obedient dog stays out of trouble. Step 2: Know your dog and dog breed.

“I have a yin and a yang. This is my hyperactiv­e dog,” explains Glass, pointing to MacGee, racing around like a happy kook and talking with his mouth full of ball. “And my other dog is real casual and a home body, a Bernese.”

“He’s not lazy; he’s regal,” Glass says.

Tailor your activity to the dog’s ability as well as yours. Some dogs, such as many Greyhounds, can’t be off leash without chasing rabbits all the way to Flin Flon. A senior Chihuahua? Better let old dogs lie.

Puppies shouldn’t go on runs since their joints don’t grow as fast as their muscles so can’t adequately support the weight until adulthood.

“If you’re going to take an overweight dog or a dog that isn’t necessaril­y in the best of shape and try to run them for 30 minutes straight, that’s just going to add more trouble than what it’s worth,” says Morgan Budinski, owner of Little Paws Inn and one of Glass’s fitness clients.

“You want to start off slow.”

Finally, avoid activity directly after your dog eats, especially if the breed has a deep chest. Indigestio­n is the least of it. Bloating causes pain, even death. Step 3: Suss out Edmonton’s off-leash dog parks.

Some don’t allow bikers (Buena Vista, for instance) while others encourage it (Terwillega­r). Some have easy access to the river (Dawson Park) or ponds (Hermitage) so make sure you and your dog are OK with that. Certain off-leash fields at certain times of the day are extremely busy and populated with larger dogs. That can work if your dog is very social and if you can remain focused despite interrupti­ons by curious Rubies and Sadies. A smaller, quieter area might be a better fit.

Add variety with stairs and dirt paths (less impact than paved trails on your and your dog’s joints), unless you want to slip on in-line skates and drive your dog faster along smooth surfaces. Step 4: Dogs can’t sweat, so know the signs of exhaustion in your canine.

“Dogs will run twice the distance that you run in an off-leash situation so you have to remember that,” Glass says.

Heavy, fast panting can progress into confusion where the dog won’t listen to you. Glass’s dog MacGee once started staggering. Take water and a collapsibl­e bowl to keep your dog hydrated. Step 5: Exercise!

 ?? Shaughn Butts/Edmonton Journal ?? Lorraine Glass does modified pushups using TRX cables and a tree in the Belgravia off-leash dog park. MacGee the Irish Setter plays on.
Shaughn Butts/Edmonton Journal Lorraine Glass does modified pushups using TRX cables and a tree in the Belgravia off-leash dog park. MacGee the Irish Setter plays on.
 ??  ??
 ?? PHOTOS: SHAUGHN BUTTS/EDMONTON JOURNAL ?? Morgan Budinski, owner of Little Paws Inn, performs upward facing dog with her dog Sam.
PHOTOS: SHAUGHN BUTTS/EDMONTON JOURNAL Morgan Budinski, owner of Little Paws Inn, performs upward facing dog with her dog Sam.
 ??  ?? Sam, a Bichon-Shih Tzu looks on from a yoga mat while MacGee, in the back, takes a rest from fetching balls.
Sam, a Bichon-Shih Tzu looks on from a yoga mat while MacGee, in the back, takes a rest from fetching balls.

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