Edmonton Journal

Iraqis trickling back to shattered Tikrit


TIKRIT, IRAQ —Abdel Mow-good Hassan climbs over toppled bricks and a torn-away front door to enter his uncle’s house in Tikrit, the first of his relatives to make a cautious return home since ISIL militants were driven out.

“It’s safe,” Hassan says. “I checked for booby traps.”

He is one of a trickle of civilians to return to Saddam Hussein’s hometown in recent days after Iraqi forces and allied militias captured the city in April from ISIL. But while police now patrol the streets, Sunni civilians are worried about the future, apprehensi­ve about the Shiite militias that liberated Tikrit and fearful that ISIL could come back.

U.S.-trained Iraqi police officers look over identifica­tion papers for all those returning to Tikrit, 130 kilometres north of Baghdad, wanting to stop the extremists from infiltrati­ng this city on the banks of the Tigris River. Occasional­ly, explosions still echo through Tikrit’s largely empty streets, as officers detonate roadside bombs and explosives left behind by militants after their nearly 10-month occupation. Cleaners in orange jumpsuits sweep away debris as workers try to restore water and power.

Iraqi forces, backed by Sunni fighters, Iranian-advised Shiite militias and U.S.-led airstrikes, retook the city on April 1. Tikrit’s capture marked Iraq’s biggest victory yet against ISIL, which holds about a third of Iraq and neighbouri­ng Syria in its self-declared caliphate.

The military later handed control of the city to a provincial police force, in a model it hopes to emulate in liberated areas across the country. It aims to have 13 police regiments patrolling cities and towns in the rest of Salahuddin province once the extremists have been driven out.

However, authoritie­s acknowledg­e these police officers will more resemble a paramilita­ry force.

“Street fighting is part of their new training,” says Hamed Nams Yassin al-Jabouri, the commander of Salahuddin’s police force. “We are also training snipers.”

In a brightly coloured Ramadan tent at Tikrit’s outskirts, men, women and children endure exhaustive bureaucrac­y and searches by heavily armed police. Some are coming home for the first time in a year. Many return as they fled — with only the clothes on their backs.

“We were afraid to leave and now we are afraid to return,” says Samia Khadiyah, who took shelter in the tent with her three children while her husband completed their paperwork. “We don’t know who to fear and who to trust anymore.”

A military intelligen­ce officer nearby, speaking on condition of anonymity, said police arrested 11 people trying to enter the city in recent days on suspicion of being ISIL militants.

Once inside Tikrit, those returning find some buildings have an occasional bullet hole, while others are in ruins. And some homes remain laced with explosives, a last-minute effort by fleeing ISIL militants to slow the Iraqi advance.

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