Edmonton Journal

Chiefs support Eagle Spirit link to B.C.

Quebec cools to Canada East


TransCanad­a Corp. has yet to persuade Quebec residents its proposed Energy East oil pipeline project would be a good deal for the province, Premier Philippe Couillard said.

Opposition to the proposed $12-billion venture is growing as Quebeckers fail to see economic benefits for the province while wary of potential environmen­tal disasters, Couillard says.

“To say here that it’s received positively in Quebec would be a long, long stretch,” Couillard said of the project that would move 1.1 million barrels of oil a day from Alberta and Saskatchew­an to refineries in Eastern Canada. Asked if opposition has increased in recent months, he said: “Yes. People are much more aware of the climate change issue, the safety issue.”

Energy East would be one of North America’s largest crude pipes, offering Alberta’s oilsands producers waiting for the Keystone XL line another way to reach customers by shipping across Canada to the Atlantic coast.

“We are hearing the same messages that the government is hearing,” Tim Duboyce, a spokesman for TransCanad­a, said Monday.

TransCanad­a plans to file a final version of Energy East with “all the appropriat­e documents” in the fourth quarter of 2015, Duboyce said. An environmen­tal review will likely follow in 2016, he said.

The company in April delayed Energy East’s startup by more than a year to 2020 after abandoning plans for a marine oil facility in the Quebec town of Cacouna because of risks to endangered beluga whales. Much of the constructi­on on the 4,600-kilometre pipeline would take place within Quebec — a factor that only fuels public resistance in the province, Couillard said.

In a poll conducted by researcher­s at the Universite de Montreal last November, 50 per cent of Quebeckers opposed the project and 33 per cent voiced support — the exact opposite of national results.

Quebec last year laid out seven conditions TransCanad­a must meet before the government supports Energy East, including environmen­tal and social considerat­ions. The project must also give the province an economic boost.

Failure to build a terminal weakens TransCanad­a’s case that the project will benefit Quebec’s economy, Couillard said.

TransCanad­a expects to spend about $4 billion in Quebec to build the pipeline, creating “thousands” of jobs, Duboyce said. TransCanad­a is looking at other sites for a marine terminal, he said.

“We just don’t want to be only a transition­al place — if it just passes through and doesn’t leave any economic benefits for our people, given the fact there are risks involved,” Couillard said.

A reduction in crude-by-rail volumes stemming from the pipeline would make it more desirable socially, the premier said.

“If I’m told there will be less transporta­tion by train because of this, then that could be interestin­g,” Couillard said. “But if both modes are going to be increasing, then in terms of safety for community there’s not a lot of gains.”

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Philippe Couillard

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