Edmonton Journal

The dark and painful path to radicalism




LIEU, QUE. • Martin Couture-Rouleau sat in an idling car for almost two hours beside a Tim Hortons until he spotted his targets.

Two Canadian Armed Forces officers stepped out of a Service Canada office last October and were immediatel­y rammed by a car. Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent, 53, later died of his injuries.

Couture-Rouleau had been yearning for martyrdom for months. As he sped off, he called 911 to make sure everyone knew he was “acting in the name of Allah.”

Police chased him for four kilometres, until he crashed into a ditch. Witnesses say he ran at police with a knife and was shot and killed.

Couture-Rouleau, 25, became the first Canadian to successful­ly orchestrat­e a terrorist attack on home soil in the name of Islam.

“It’s clear that for my son — for those who knew my son — it wasn’t him who did this,” his father, Gilles Rouleau, says in an interview.

Couture-Rouleau’s radicaliza­tion followed a common trajectory identified by cult researcher­s and terrorism experts. They call it the quest for personal significan­ce, an overarchin­g need to find meaning and belonging in a group — especially after a major personal failure.

“Everybody can be radicalize­d, because the significan­ce quest is a universal drive,” says Jocelyn Bélanger, a psychology professor at the Université du Québec à Montréal who has studied hundreds of terrorism examples. “It’s a fundamenta­l human drive.”

And one that can lead vulnerable people to extremist causes.

“Some more than others have a desire to matter, to be different, to stand out from the crowd — to do something that’s going to have an impact on the world,” says Lorne Dawson, a University of Waterloo psychology professor who co-leads Canada’s largest terrorism research network.

Couture-Rouleau had a middle-class upbringing in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, where bungalows with tidy lawns are clustered near dairy farms.

He had minor troubles early in life, attending classes for children with behavioura­l issues. His mother separated from his father, but stayed in touch.

As a teenager, CoutureRou­leau played poker and smoked pot. At 16, he was pulled over for impaired driving. He was known to party and wasn’t religious.

He split up with his wife months after she gave birth in April 2011, but they shared custody of their son.

Couture-Rouleau worked for a delivery service before launching a pressurewa­shing business in March 2012, but it quickly fell apart. Friends and neighbours say he was destroyed by the financial hit, changing almost overnight from a smiling young man with minor problems to an angry shut-in.

Psychologi­sts say such sudden changes are evident in people who join cults or terrorist groups. They call them “cognitive openings,” when someone is looking to fill their life with new things. It can be as dramatic as the death of a child, or as normal as pining for a new career.

For some, it’s seeing their dreams and savings evaporate.

“You’re in a fragile frame of mind. You’re looking for some guidance and leadership,” says Dawson, who has spent decades studying cults.

“Along comes someone at that moment, with a clear set of beliefs and ideas that are about saving the world and about how you, little old you, can make a difference.”

Edmonton Deputy Police Chief Brian Simpson has seen it in their investigat­ions.

“The themes around what that catalyst is seems to be fairly consistent: some life crisis, or some life issue that is unresolved and looking for resolution,” he says.

In April 2013, CoutureRou­leau converted to Islam, according to court documents.

“I practise this religion for myself alone, and I have ab- solutely no intention of imposing my beliefs, neither on my son or anybody,” he wrote in an affidavit.

The next month, he opened a Facebook page under the name Ahmad Rouleau. Within weeks he replaced jeans with flowing robes, and grew out a beard. He told friends he was sending money to Syria. He turned inward, spending hours online. Occasional­ly, he’d post quotes found on inspiratio­nal posters: “Better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.”

Dawson says those who go to fight with groups like ISIL see their quest as a struggle against oppression from the West, even though the terrorist group clearly oppresses the people it controls.

“Most are reasonably wellmeanin­g, rather utopianthi­nking idealistic guys who really think they’re fighting for the Ummah (the global Muslim body) and they’re going to establish the Islamic state,” says Dawson, who has security clearance with the RCMP and CSIS to study recent cases.

Hussein Hamdani, who works to dissuade radicalize­d youth in Hamilton, Ont., says that many of the cases he’s been involved in began with a grievance.

“They’re feeling that there’s an injustice, feeling that there’s a war against Islam, feeling that the West is at war against Islam and not knowing what to do about it.”

In May 2014, fearing his mental state, Couture-Rouleau’s ex-wife started keeping their three-year-old son from his scheduled visits. In a court filing, CoutureRou­leau’s lawyer stated he “is of the Muslim faith and believes that the defendant refuses him access to (their son) for this sole reason.”

It’s these sorts of blows to one’s identity that can lead some people to violence, according to an emerging theory in terrorism research.

“Neuroscien­tific evidence shows that the part of brain associated with social exclusion and physical pain is the same. When you’re ostracized, not included, you physically hurt,” says Université du Québec’s Bélanger.

Bélanger was part of a research team that surveyed 11,000 extremists in Jordan, the Philippine­s and Spain, as well as thousands of Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka.

“We saw evidence that feeling humiliated and ashamed were predictors of radicaliza­tion and willingnes­s to die for a cause,” he says.

By late May, CoutureRou­leau stopped posting on Facebook. Instead, he’d persuaded several friends to convert to Islam.

Reports said he talked of fighting a holy war in Syria because it offered the promise of martyrdom. At one point, he tried to convert his sister, drawing the ire of his father, Gilles Rouleau.

“All these kids have a problem in their heads,” Gilles says, before his voice starts quavering. “They all have a mental problem; that’s where it starts.”

He took his son to a psychiatri­c ward, which released him the next day.

In June 2014, Gilles called police, who started watching the young man. He was arrested a month later, trying to board a flight to Turkey, where scores of radicalize­d Canadians have continued on to Syria.

RCMP tried to get a peace bond to track his activities and limit his contact with certain groups. However, they didn’t have enough proof he intended to commit a terrorist act.

“If the same thing happened now, they would have been able to save my son. But like in all things in Quebec, it takes a death before we move,” says Gilles.

Police could only take Couture-Rouleau’s passport and began regular meetings.

“We worked with him, with the imam in the mosque he was attending and with police officers that are part of our community service, to try to exert a positive influence over him,” Quebec RCMP Supt. Martine Fontaine told reporters after CoutureRou­leau’s attack.

But those sorts of precrimina­l interventi­ons are usually only effective when someone still identifies as an individual, according to University of Calgary terrorism researcher Michael Zekulin.

“Once you get into that group dynamic and you start withdrawin­g, and spending more and more time with people sharing those ideas — be it face-to-face, or be it online — that’s when the real psychology starts, and it makes it really difficult to come back.”

Terrorism researcher­s use models to explain radicaliza­tion. The most popular, the Staircase to Terrorism, involves five steps.

First, people see a grievance and try to find a solution. If that doesn’t work, they find someone to blame for their anger. In the third step, a leader suggests violence to restore justice. The fourth step shifts to a blackand-white world view, where the group is all that matters. All contact with family and friends is cut.

Those who have witnessed a family member radicalize frequently describe it as “brainwashi­ng,” but academics call this “consolidat­ion.”

The last step is killing innocent people.

As for interventi­ons, success is hard to assess. Fontaine said Couture-Rouleau had shown progress just 11 days before his attack.

“The meeting ended on a very positive note, so we had no reason to believe after that he would commit a criminal act,” she said. “On the contrary, he said he wanted to perhaps take steps to change things in his life.”

On Oct. 17, CoutureRou­leau was scheduled for a custody hearing regarding his son. That evening he changed his Facebook profile picture to a hallway with two doors: one leading to heaven, the other to hell.

Three days later, on the eve of Canadian jets taking off for ISIL territory in Iraq, he wished his father good morning and set out for the Tim Hortons plaza.

 ??  ?? Martin Couture-Rouleau became the first Canadian to successful­ly carry out a terrorist attack on home soil in the name of Islam, resulting in the death of Canadian soldier Patrice Vincent.
Martin Couture-Rouleau became the first Canadian to successful­ly carry out a terrorist attack on home soil in the name of Islam, resulting in the death of Canadian soldier Patrice Vincent.
 ?? GAVIN YOUNG / CALGARY HERALD ?? Researcher Michael Zekulin says the group dynamic
of extremists can shift someone’s beliefs forever.
GAVIN YOUNG / CALGARY HERALD Researcher Michael Zekulin says the group dynamic of extremists can shift someone’s beliefs forever.

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