Edmonton Journal

NDP looks to shake off week of blunders with pat on the back

- GRAHAM THOMSON gthomson@edmontonjo­urnal.com

On Friday, the Alberta government issued a news release under the wonderfull­y optimistic headline: “Premier Notley concludes successful economic mission.”

I say optimistic because nobody can tell whether her five-day trip to Montreal, New York and Toronto was, in fact, a success. It’s too early.

The news release had a quote from Rachel Notley that included this: “I’m confident we’ve opened doors that will encourage investment and grow our economy.”

If this quote sounds familiar it’s because you’ve heard similar cheerful pronouncem­ents from premiers of the past after they’ve spent $10,000 or $20,000 on an out-of-province trade mission.

Remember this? “I’m very optimistic. There is strong bipartisan support for this project.”

That was then-Premier Alison Redford in 2013 predicting an imminent approval for the Keystone XL pipeline after her trip to Washington, D.C.

Alberta’s premiers routinely returned from their trips with little concrete to show for them other than an optimistic­ally worded memorandum of agreement, after which they’d be routinely chastised by the opposition for wasting taxpayers’ money. Now the shoes are on the other feet. It’s the NDP government defending a reconnaiss­ance business trip by the premier while the PC opposition sit at home complainin­g.

Interim PC leader Ric McIver grumbled that Notley “came home empty-handed from her $24,000 trip.”

That’s a bit rich considerin­g how many times PC premiers seemed to come home with little in their hands but something picked up at duty free.

In 2013, PC cabinet ministers, including Redford, spent almost $750,000 in internatio­nal travel.

At the time, then-NDP leader Brian Mason harrumphed, “They have spent in the last two years well over $1 million in travel at the same time they’re asking provincial employees to take zero per cent over the next three years. That really smacks of hypocrisy.”

But of course, it’s easy to complain about these trips and difficult to defend them. That’s the lesson both the PCs and NDP are learning in their newly switched roles where they have begun to sound uncannily like the other used to do.

The learning curve, naturally, is much steeper for the NDP, as we saw just this week alone.

In the past five days, the NDP has found itself in all kinds of awkward political positions, some of them self-imposed.

On Monday, Notley seemed to get herself cross-threaded with federal NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair over his proposed federal cap-andtrade plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. She spent the next few days trying to clarify her position, only to continue muddying the waters. She didn’t want to be seen dismissing Mulcair’s plan in the middle of a federal election campaign, even though there’s no way Alberta will sign on to any emissions reduction plan that would transfer money out of the province.

On Tuesday, the NDP was forced to make an embarrassi­ng flip-flop over a salary hike for independen­t officers of the legislatur­e.

On Wednesday, Environmen­t and Parks Minister Shannon Phillips reluctantl­y admitted the government is in the golf business after announcing it is contractua­lly obligated to spend millions of taxpayers’ dollars to repair the Kananaskis Country Golf Course.

Also on Wednesday, Alberta’s departing agent in Washington, D.C., Rob Merrifield, fired an undiplomat­ic salvo at Notley for sending “mixed messages” over Keystone XL.

On Thursday, a reporter misquoted Notley saying Keystone was a “threat” to Alberta. The story may have been wrong, but it offered ammunition to her critics to attack her for two days.

On Friday, some civic politician­s in British Columbia took a shot at Notley for presuming to suggest, without consulting with them first, that Kinder Morgan could move its Trans Mountain pipeline terminus from Burnaby to Delta.

It was not a stellar week for the NDP. Maybe that’s why Notley felt the need to give herself a pat on the back for a “successful” mission, whether or not it actually was.

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