Edmonton Journal

Oil industry touts emissions tech

Alberta can become world leader, CAPP tells climate-change panel


CALGARY The oil and gas industry wants investment in emissions-busting technologi­es to play a big role in Alberta’s climate-change strategy.

The Canadian Associatio­n of Petroleum Producers has made its submission to the five-member panel working on a broad plan to reduce the province’s greenhouse gas emissions.

“Alberta can diversify its economy and become the global hub for the developmen­t of new emissions-cutting technologi­es that we can then export to the world’s oil and gas sector,” CAPP president Tim McMillan said in a release.

“In our generation, we can make Alberta’s oilpatch the high-tech environmen­tal leader of the world.”

Alberta should set a target for technology investment over the next 10 years and invest funds from its soon-to-be-hiked carbon levy to develop and deploy those technologi­es, the group said.

In June, the NDP government announced the carbon price for large industrial emitters that exceed their allotment — now at $15 a tonne — would rise to $20 a tonne next year and $30 a tonne in 2017. Between that change and an increase in the corporate tax rate from 10 per cent to 12 per cent, CAPP estimates the industry faces $800 million in higher cost over two years.

The climate-change panel, headed by University of Alberta economist Andrew Leach, is tackling the province’s wider climate strategy, focusing not just on oil and gas, but on aspects like transporta­tion and power, too.

The government has said it aims to have the architectu­re of a climate plan ready in time for the UN climate talks in Paris in December.

One of CAPP’s recommenda­tions is to develop a clean infrastruc­ture royalty credit program that would encourage adoption of green technologi­es without hurting the industry’s competitiv­eness. It also wants more power generation to come from natural gas, a cleanerbur­ning fuel than coal, and to export it to countries like China..

 ??  ?? Tim McMillan
Tim McMillan

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