Edmonton Journal


LRT plans on collision course with parkland

- Eric Gormley is a member of Save Edmonton’s Downtown Footbridge, a group whose goal is to raise awareness of the value of the river valley and ravines parks system, and to protect its integrity.

We expect civic leaders to solve mundane problems, but also to formulate and shepherd through higher missions.

Public transit has always played a missionary role. First it allowed people to reside in sylvan settings and dig in backyards far from crowded workplaces; lately its task is to take back the city from the ubiquitous automobile, freeing up street space, and time, for people to fully live.

Transit has been a consistent theme in Edmonton’s history since four streetcars entered service in 1908. That year, city council also acquired 7.5 acres on the river near downtown for a future park. Like streetcars ferrying people to cleaner suburbs, parks were much valued for their restorativ­e health and spiritual effects.

As Edmonton Transit spread its influence, so did the river valley and ravines park system, making the city unique in North America. As the transit system moved from streetcars, to trolleys, to buses and LRT, so did park amenities evolve in the central core. People planted flower gardens at both ends of the Cloverdale Footbridge, blending with forest and native grasses, and parks at each end were given names, Louise McKinney and Henrietta Muir Edwards. A move is afoot to restore Mill Creek to its original channel, and if undertaken, the creek will join the North Saskatchew­an River a stone’s throw from the footbridge.

These feel-good stories mostly run parallel. But now, the narratives collide. The city has rightfully decided to come to the aid of longsuffer­ing bus riders, and improve transit service to Mill Woods, but putting a rail line in the place the city has chosen means tearing down the Cloverdale bridge, removing those gardens, and even cutting some of the forest containing the Mill Creek channel. The line runs through 1.6 kilometres of river valley parks.

Much of the good brought about by the southeast LRT must inevitably be undone by the loss of well-establishe­d park space.

The city began the project with the best intentions. A line to the south would maximize “existing transporta­tion corridors,” and “respect parkland.” Crossing through “adjacent” river valley parks would knock a route option off the table. Good intentions, however, vanished, and saving money — “we already own the (park) land” — and time — “we’ll scoot through the valley” — took on leading roles in the planning process. Nothing evil here, but, still, a city can lose its way.

Of late, the idea of Bus Rapid Transit with dedicated lanes has resurfaced, after floating around briefly in 2007. At a recent Edmonton talk, transit specialist Taras Grescoe lauded Bogotá’s BRT system, and Edmonton Transit Service Advisory Board has boldly come out for this form of moving people in a report, Bus Rapid Transit, A Case for Edmonton. Getting service into operation quicker for a lot less money, increasing ridership, and reducing “travel times for commuters” are among benefits cited. The authors point to recent shifts in where people live, economic factors like downtown parking rates and success in other Canadian cities to justify revisiting BRT. For cities placing a premium on parks, it can be gentler on the landscape.

Much has changed since 2009 when everyone was in love with LRT and would have willingly put it across the back lawn of the legislatur­e grounds. The footbridge and adjoining parks are hightraffi­c areas, clearly useful to the city, and impossible to replicate. LRT is expensive and slow to build.

There are many things to consider, but our only sure path to the goal of citizens being able to live their lives more fully is to keep to the twin narratives that have served Edmonton so well of enhancing both transit and the river valley park system, and not letting them collide. That should be our mission.

Questions about whether to give tax credits to teachers or to firefighte­rs, whether the government should run a rounding error of a deficit or a rounding error of a surplus, are more flash than flesh. Mark Dance

 ?? BRUCE EDWARDS/EDMONTON JOURNAL/FILE ?? The Cloverdale Footbridge would be destroyed to make way for a new LRT line.
BRUCE EDWARDS/EDMONTON JOURNAL/FILE The Cloverdale Footbridge would be destroyed to make way for a new LRT line.

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