Edmonton Journal

Children caught in ideologica­l feud


Re: Alberta Education Minister responds to Catholic transgende­r debate, Sept. 24

I am troubled by the misinforma­tion being spread in the discussion surroundin­g transgende­r children in the Catholic school system.

First, gender nonconform­ity itself is not a disorder, mental or otherwise. This is explicitly stated by the American Psychiatri­c Associatio­n. There is an entity named Gender Dysphoria in the current Diagnostic and Statistica­l Manual of Mental Disorders, which differs from gender nonconform­ity in one crucial way: individual­s with Gender Dysphoria, in addition to having a marked difference between their expressed/experience­d gender and the gender others would assign to them, experience “clinically significan­t distress or impairment in social, occupation­al, or other important areas of functionin­g.” To conflate being transgende­r with Gender Dysphoria is not only inaccurate, it is intellectu­ally and medically irresponsi­ble.

In this pediatrici­an’s opinion, the current policies of the Edmonton Catholic School Board are not in the best interests of any student attending Catholic schools in Edmonton, and it is my sincere hope that they move to adopt policies similar to those of the Edmonton Public School Board.

We cannot play out ideologica­l battles on the bodies and minds of children. They are the ones who will pay the price, and with a lifetime suicide attempt rate of 46 per cent for transgende­r individual­s, the Edmonton Catholic School Board has not a moment to lose in not only protecting, but advocating for, the children — all the children — in its care.

Michael Bowman, M.D., Edmonton

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