Edmonton Journal


- GARY LAMPHIER glamphier@edmontonjo­urnal.com Edmonton Journal

Goodbye, TPP; we hardly knew ya’.

Just like that, faster than a Blue Jays fan can scream: “Holy crap, Jose Bautista just hit a three-run home run!” the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p (TPP) — the biggest trade deal in history, one that would create a trading bloc of 12 nations representi­ng 40 per cent of the world’s economic output — looks as dead as the Texas Rangers’ pennant chances.

Heck, the ink has barely dried on a landmark deal Prime Minister Stephen Harper trumpeted a mere 10 days ago as “a once-ina-lifetime” agreement, one that would more closely integrate our nation’s economic future with the fast-growing Asia-Pacific region.

But a week and a half is a lifetime in politics, as Harper and Internatio­nal Trade Minister Ed Fast can well attest. So even as Fast continued to promote the benefits of the TPP to Canada and Alberta in an interview with the Journal on Wednesday, his party’s dream of making it a reality appears to be fading as quickly as the Conservati­ves’ election chances.

Recent events — the Liberals’ dramatic surge in the opinion polls to within striking distance of a majority victory in Monday’s federal election, and Democratic presidenti­al candidate Hillary Clinton’s abrupt 11th-hour rejection of a deal she had long championed — have sharply upped the odds that the TPP will never see the light of day.

“It may be dead because of Hillary Clinton’s abandonmen­t of the TPP. The only reason the TPP came about … was the idea of gaining access to the U.S. market, and gaining NAFTA-like access to the U.S. is something that got everyone’s attention,” says Carlo Dade, director of the centre for trade and investment policy at the Canada West Foundation.

“Hillary Clinton (as U.S. secretary of state) was the architect of the U.S. joining the TPP. It was the ‘Pacific pivot’ — the new U.S. foreign policy — and it was her doctrine. So for her to walk away from the agreement now really pulls the rug out from under it in the U.S.,” he says.

In Dade’s view, the only way the TPP survives intact is if the current lame-duck U.S. Congress approves it during President Barack Obama’s final year in office. And that’s still a long shot.

“That’s the only scenario I see where the TPP is going to pass, and we should know soon whether Obama is going to be able to do that,” he says.

As for Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau, whose party has a mixed record (to put it generously) on negotiatin­g new trade agreements, he has stubbornly dragged his feet, refusing to take a clear position on the TPP.

Voters don’t seem to care though, even as they obsess over marginal issues like the niqab.

New Democratic Party Leader Tom Mulcair, meanwhile, quickly rejected the deal outright while dutifully spouting the scaremonge­ring rhetoric of Unifor head Jerry Dias, who claims the TPP could put 20,000 auto-industry jobs at risk. (A claim that draws derision from Fast.)

Regardless, since both Trudeau and Mulcair have vowed not to prop up a Conservati­ve minority government, the fate of the TPP seems sealed, unless the Tories can pull off a miraculous majority victory on Monday. That’s not to say it can’t happen. The polls have been wrong before. But even so, the loss of Clinton’s support is a major blow for the TPP.

Still, Fast continues to fight the good fight, right to the bitter end. “Mr. Dias started off talking about job losses in the area of 30,000. Then it went down to 26,000 and now he has settled upon 20,000,” he says.

“But he hasn’t explained how he came up with those numbers, and quite frankly those numbers do not reflect what we believe will happen in the auto industry … as we open up markets like Japan and Malaysia and Vietnam.”

More to the point, he says, Canada has no real option as a 21st-century trading nation but to expand access to new markets while ensuring its continued access to the U.S. market on the most favourable terms possible, even if the TPP deal means diluting the terms that currently exist under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

“At the end of the day can you imagine if Canada was outside of the TPP? There would be no further auto investment coming to Canada,” Fast argues.

“Canadians have a very clear choice to make on Monday. They can re-elect a government that has proven time and again that we take very seriously the opportunit­ies that trade and investment represent as key drivers of our economy and our long-term prosperity,” he says.

“Or they can vote for the other two parties, which have appalling records on trade. The NDP has repeatedly said no, no, no to Canada’s efforts to open up new markets for our exporters and investors. The Liberals had 13 years (in government) and signed just three small trade agreements while the rest of the world was running ahead.”

It’s not all bad news, Dade says. If the TPP dies, Canada will still enjoy favoured access to the U.S. under NAFTA. And that’s a deal the rest of the world would die to have.

“The half-good side of the story is we’re stuck with the privileged and special access to the U.S. market. So while we scream about diversific­ation in Canada and the need to get away from the U.S., everyone else around the globe is trying to figure out how to get more of the U.S. market. So if we’re stuck with the U.S. and Mexico it’s not such a bad thing,” he says.

“On the other hand we miss out on being able to get into these growing markets around the Pacific, while people like the Aussies, who are already there, get further entrenched.”

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