Edmonton Journal

Trailer Park Boys actress testifies



The bewitching, bewilderin­g sex assault trial of Jian Ghomeshi grew ever more melodramat­ic Thursday as the fallen CBC star’s second accuser took the witness box.

This was Trailer Park Boys actor and Royal Canadian Air Force reserves captain Lucy DeCoutere, who became the “face” of the scandal surroundin­g the 48-year-old Ghomeshi when in the fall of 2014, she got court permission to have the usual publicatio­n ban protecting identifica­tion of alleged sex assault victims waived in her case.

Before DeCoutere left at the end of the day, Ghomeshi’s lead defence lawyer, Marie Henein, had presented her with damning photograph­s of them together just hours after he allegedly attacked her and vengeful emails she wrote saying, “I want him f — king decimated” and “The guy’s a s— tshow; time to flush.”

More ominously, Henein told Ontario Court Judge William Horkins that Tuesday, after the first complainan­t had completed her testimony, DeCoutere’s lawyer, Gillian Hnatiw, called prosecutor­s to ask if, hypothetic­ally, she had informatio­n about “post-assault” conduct or contact (both terms were used) between DeCoutere and Ghomeshi, they would be interested in knowing about it.

Prosecutor­s said they would. Thus was court briefly delayed Thursday morning as disclosure of the Hnatiw phone call was made.

What the disclosure contains isn’t known, but Henein warned DeCoutere to think carefully about “if the thing you have not disclosed is some after-the-fact communicat­ion,” or something else.

It was a stunning cap to a trial that veered from extreme to extreme, the testimony one minute sounding like it came straight from a therapist’s couch to being challenged and discredite­d in the next.

DeCoutere alleges that on a Friday night in July of 2003, after a flirtatiou­s email correspond­ence that saw her come to Toronto in part to see Ghomeshi, they were back at his house when he suddenly “took me by the throat and held me against the wall, cutting off my breath, and slapped me three times.

I remember not being able to breathe; SHOCK AND SURPRISE. I had never had an adult hit me before. We weren’t having an argument. I was just COMPLETELY BEWILDERED by what happened, therefore I tried to BRUSH IT OFF. — LUCY DECOUTERE alleged JIAN GHOMESHI hit her.

(DeCoutere agreed with Henein the date of that dinner and the alleged assault was July 4, 2003. If so, that would mean the date on the Toronto police informatio­n, as the document describing the allegation­s is called, is wrong. It says the alleged attack occurred between June 27, 2003 and July 2, 2003.)

There was no discussion beforehand of the two of them doing anything like this, DeCoutere said, and in no way did she consent to it.

Neither did either of them, she said, ever speak about it — not that night or any other.

Yet even by her own admission, her behaviour immediatel­y afterward and for the next decade was little short of “ridiculous.”

She stayed at his house for about another hour, chatting amiably, saw him several more times over the ensuing weekend, even sent him flowers to thank him for being a such a good host when she returned to her Halifax home, and indeed kept up a perfectly cordial businessli­ke relationsh­ip with him for about 11 years.

Essentiall­y, as DeCoutere explained it in her examinatio­n-in-chief by prosecutor Corie Langdon, she did all that because she was polite and cursed, as many women are, with the personalit­y of a “pleaser;” she didn’t want Ghomeshi to think “I couldn’t handle” the choking and the slaps; she didn’t want to leave in a huff and “seem rude;” besides, she’d already committed to seeing him over the weekend, and more broadly, she even felt “sorry for him, that he thought this was an appropriat­e thing to do … I didn’t tell people about it because I wanted to protect him, I didn’t want people to know this about him.”

Yet in cross-examinatio­n, DeCoutere agreed with Henein that she didn’t disclose, either to the police on Nov. 6, or in any of the 19 media interviews she did before and after she spoke to police, that she and Ghomeshi had kissed on the couch, after the attack, and also kissed goodbye.

Certainly, DeCoutere also didn’t disclose that the day after the alleged attack, she not only had brunch with Ghomeshi, but also gambolled afterward in Riverdale Park with him.

Henein showed her two photograph­s of the two of them on the grass, Ghomeshi wearing an open shirt that showed his chest, DeCoutere gazing at him with what for all the world appeared to be affection, if not adoration.

And DeCoutere never told anyone that, as Henein put it, “You were cuddling Mr. Ghomeshi, the man who just hours ago, choked you and slapped you?”

“That’s correct,” DeCoutere said. “I didn’t know these photos existed.”

“You do now,” Henein replied with trademark ferocious coolness.

What was important about the pictures — and others showing the two at a barbecue the following day — is that they are so at odds with DeCoutere’s sworn police statement and even her testimony here that while she continued to be nice to Ghomeshi after the alleged attack, it was a function of the complicate­d emotions that women often feel in such situations.

“You were having a pretty good time with a guy who’d just assaulted you?” Henein asked, about the barbecue pictures.

“Yeah,” said DeCoutere, adding that Ghomeshi had pretty great friends.

“You thought he was a pretty great guy, too?” Henein asked.

“Yeah,” said DeCoutere, “but I had very mixed feelings.”

Even DeCoutere’s motives in coming forward were challenged, and by her own words.

In an Oct. 26 email to a friend, for instance, she said “He’s walked the line so long, all the while becoming more famous….” On the day police charged Ghomeshi, DeCoutere wrote in a note to a friend, “I hope he’s panic-eating in a high-calorie way.” In a Feb. 24, 2015 email, appearing to delight in the fact that one of the detectives was an Iranian, like Ghomeshi, she wrote, “F— k Ghomeshi.”

Again ominously, at least for the case against Ghomeshi, Henein also referred to several emails between DeCoutere and “another complainan­t,” where DeCoutere discussed cheerfully that actor Mia Farrow was now “on our team” (Farrow had tweeted her support for the IbelieveLu­cy hashtag that was spawned in the scandal) and celebrated an upcoming Vanity Fair magazine piece “on the whole s — tshow — hello cover!”


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 ??  ?? Jian Ghomeshi and Lucy DeCoutere in a photo the defence team claims was taken after the alleged assault.
Jian Ghomeshi and Lucy DeCoutere in a photo the defence team claims was taken after the alleged assault.
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