Edmonton Journal

The strange case of the ejected PC leader

- GRAHAM THOMSON gthomson@postmedia.com Twitter.com/Graham_Journal

It has been three days since interim Progressiv­e Conservati­ve leader Ric McIver was politicall­y frogmarche­d from the Alberta assembly — and we still don’t know exactly what the heck happened.

The mystery shrouding this mini-scandal is proving frustratin­gly difficult to unravel.

It all goes back to Monday afternoon when McIver introduced a private members’ motion. Motions are not binding on government­s and are largely symbolic but they are a big deal in a private member’s legislativ­e life.

McIver’s Motion 504 affirmed a parent’s right to choose their child’s education, including home-schooling.

It’s all theatrics but McIver would at least be on the record with a libertaria­n motion sure to gladden the hearts of parents with kids in classrooms other than of the public school variety.

But things went off the rails immediatel­y when NDP MLA Robyn Luff introduced an amendment that called on the government to “support public education.”

That irritated McIver because it’s rare for anyone to amend a private member’s motion — and the amendment turned the meaning of his motion upside down.

Legislativ­e pages delivered copies of the amendment to each of the MLAs. That’s when things began skidding to the cliff’s edge.

Not only did McIver get a copy of the amendment, he received a second piece of paper with a neatly typed ruling as to why the amendment should be allowed. McIver was rightly puzzled. Why was there a pre-written ruling on an issue that was still being debated? As McIver read the document, he was flabbergas­ted to listen to Speaker Bob Wanner rise and recite from the very same document word for word.

To McIver, it appeared the Speaker was in collusion with the NDP government to support the amendment and destroy the intent of Motion 504.

McIver sprang to his feet and challenged the Speaker. “You made the ruling before you heard people make their arguments,” said an understand­ably upset McIver. “This was printed out before people stood up in this house and made their arguments. I know because I had it in my hand.” That’s when things went over the cliff. Wanner, sounding just as perplexed as McIver, said he had received both the amendment and the summation at the same time as McIver.

McIver still smelled a rat and refused to sit down.

At this point, we had two alpha politician­s refusing to back down — but when it comes to the Legislativ­e Assembly there is only one true alpha: the Speaker. McIver was escorted out. On Tuesday morning, Wanner stood in the legislatur­e to explain his side of things and also, he hoped, kill the controvers­y.

He said the ruling he had read on Monday had been drawn up by the assembly’s “table officers.” They had been notified earlier on Monday there would be an amendment. They simply wanted to be ready with advice. When the amendment was introduced, they sent the amendment and summation to Wanner.

But, oops, somebody mistakenly sent a copy of the summation to McIver as well.

McIver was still upset on Tuesday but he did accept an invitation from the Speaker to return to the House to apologize. McIver never said he was sorry, but recognized the Speaker’s absolute authority over the assembly, including the power to eject him the day before.

Wanner was satisfied: “I think it’s time for us to move forward.” Whoa, not so fast. We still don’t know who mistakenly sent McIver the pre-written summation.

Also, why was the government so determined to destroy McIver’s motion with an amendment? The tactic smacks of bullying.

The NDP ultimately agreed to drop the amendment to keep the peace and McIver’s motion will be debated another day. But what’s also troubling is that Wanner seemed in such a rush to accept the pre-written ruling.

If nothing else, it leaves the impression he is struggling with the job and needs somebody giving him what amounts to legislativ­e crib notes.

Being Speaker is a difficult, at times thankless, job but next time Wanner is faced with a tricky decision, he might want to listen to the debate, take a deep breath — and defer a decision until another day.

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