Edmonton Journal

RCMP probes allegation­s of email fraud from ex-wife of politician

- The Canadian Press

CALGARY RCMP are investigat­ing an allegation that fake emails were distribute­d to reporters about a divorce case involving a former Alberta politician and his ex-wife.

Sgt. Blaine Mumford in Tofino, B.C., confirmed Wednesday that officers are investigat­ing a complaint made by Breanna Palmer. He gave no other informatio­n and declined an interview.

Palmer has claimed she did not send two identical emails in March that retracted allegation­s former justice minister Jonathan Denis kneed her in the face, tampered with the brakes on her car, took drugs and threw temper tantrums.

“I withdraw all allegation­s that I have made against Jonathan Denis about abuse or otherwise,” said the emails, both of which had her email address on them.

“I want to move on with my life and wish Jonathan Denis the best.”

The two emails were released earlier this month along with a statement from Denis about his divorce being finalized. The statement said he was putting on the public record documents that would clear his name and reputation.

When contacted about the release, Palmer, a model and former beauty queen, said the emails had been “fabricated.”

“Someone tried to take my voice away by circulatin­g false statements within the national media,” said an emailed statement from Palmer on Tuesday. “My phone and my computer have been made available to the RCMP to prove that email did not come from me.”

In an affidavit, filed in B.C. April 1, Palmer said she has moved from Calgary based on advice from police and a women’s shelter.

Denis did not immediatel­y return requests for comment left at his office, with his lawyer or with the person who originally distribute­d his statement.

Denis resigned from cabinet last May, days before the provincial election, after his wife received an emergency protection order against him. Denis was never charged with a crime and a judge later lifted the protection order.

 ??  ?? Breanna Palmer
Breanna Palmer

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