Edmonton Journal

Quebec to get more info on Energy East project

TransCanad­a agrees to request in deal that could avert legal battle


MONTREAL TransCanad­a has heeded the Quebec government’s request for a deeper review of Energy East, agreeing to provide more detailed informatio­n about the pipeline project.

Environmen­t Minister David Heurtel says the Calgary-based company filed paperwork as required under Quebec’s Environmen­t Quality Act and will have to produce an impact study by June 6.

Friday’s announceme­nt also puts on hold a review process conducted by Quebec’s environmen­tal review agency.

A second round of Energy East public hearings that was scheduled to begin Monday was postponed by Heurtel with a statement thanking participan­ts for their contributi­ons.

The first hearings before the BAPE (the French-language acronym for the environmen­t review body) wrapped up in March with citizens from across the province grilling TransCanad­a executives on the risks and costs associated with the pipeline.

Energy East would bring 1.1 million barrels of oil a day from Alberta and Saskatchew­an through Quebec and into New Brunswick for overseas shipping.

The 4,600-kilometre project includes existing TransCanad­a pipeline as far east as Montreal, plus new pipeline to be constructe­d through Quebec. The project has run into stiff opposition in Quebec, with politician­s, citizens and ecologists questionin­g whether the environmen­tal risks outweigh the economic rewards.

Friday’s agreement could end an impending legal fight between the two: the province had filed an injunction to force TransCanad­a to be subjected to the more rigorous review process. Other environmen­tal groups who were also asking for an injunction were lumped in with the province’s request.

Quebec said it is committed to withdrawin­g the applicatio­n upon approval of the environmen­tal impact study.

Both TransCanad­a and the provincial government have pledged to respect a strict timetable.

Company spokesman Tim Duboyce says TransCanad­a and the province looked for a mutually acceptable path forward — and the assessment was what both sides agreed to.

“This is an addition to the comprehens­ive environmen­tal review completed by the federal regulator, the National Energy Board,” Duboyce noted in an email.

Duboyce called it a positive developmen­t that will address Quebec’s wish for more informatio­n while ensuring the NEB regulatory process won’t be unduly delayed.

Pipelines that cross provincial boundaries are subject to a federal environmen­tal review process administer­ed by the NEB.

Provinces conduct their own reviews to help come to positions that are considered by the NEB before it makes a recommenda­tion.

The federal cabinet makes the final decision.

Proponents of the project say the pipeline is vital to the developmen­t of Alberta’s oilsands, improving the country’s GDP and creating the money needed to transition to a lower-carbon economy.

Opponents have countered the pipeline will increase Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions and prevent the country from meeting its climate-change commitment­s.

TransCanad­a maintains pipelines are safer and more environmen­tally friendly than other options for transporti­ng oil. The cost of the pipeline is estimated at $15.7 billion, which doesn’t count the existing pipeline assets that will be converted for use in Energy East.

This is an addition to the comprehens­ive environmen­tal review completed by … the National Energy Board.

 ?? JACQUES BOISSINOT/THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Quebec Environmen­t Minister David Heurtel says TransCanad­a has filed Energy East paperwork.
JACQUES BOISSINOT/THE CANADIAN PRESS Quebec Environmen­t Minister David Heurtel says TransCanad­a has filed Energy East paperwork.
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