Edmonton Journal

Jazz band tunes up for evacuees


The Don Berner Big Band is playing to help out Fort McMurray fire relief efforts. Tommy Banks and P.J. Perry will be special guests when saxophonis­t Berner’s big band performs as part of the Sunday afternoon Jazz and Reflection­s concert series, Sunday, June 5 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at Ottewell United Church, 6611 93A Ave.

Admission is by donation at the door. All proceeds will be donated to the Red Cross fire relief efforts.

 ?? JOHN
LUCAS ?? Don Berner and his Big Band are to perform Sunday, June 5 at Ottewell United Church. Admission is by donation and funds raised will go to the Red Cross fire relief efforts.
JOHN LUCAS Don Berner and his Big Band are to perform Sunday, June 5 at Ottewell United Church. Admission is by donation and funds raised will go to the Red Cross fire relief efforts.

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