Edmonton Journal

Man jailed 10 years for string of violent robberies


An Edmonton man was handed a 10-year prison term Tuesday for several violent robberies, including one where the victim was beaten unconsciou­s and left in a permanent coma.

Career criminal Shawn Allan Lundgren, 34, also broke the nose of a 74-year-old man while robbing him of his wallet at an ATM machine and assaulted two clerks at a Mac’s convenienc­e store before making off with bags of cash from the safe.

Provincial court Judge Donna Groves said victim Yonas Tesfaye Belay, 25, suffered “life-altering” injuries. “Mr. Belay still remains in a coma today. His life and those of his family have been forever altered. Shy of murdering Mr. Belay, the assault could not be worse,” Groves said.

“The attack was savage and Mr. Lundgren’s conduct following the robbery was callous,” Groves said.

Lundgren, who court heard suffered a horrendous childhood and has drug addiction issues, earlier pleaded guilty to aggravated assault, three counts of robbery and being unlawfully at large.

Crown prosecutor Kevin Mark told court that Lundgren was staying at the Royal Western Motel in west Edmonton on Aug. 2, 2014, and he and a female associate went to Belay’s room. Motel staff later went into the room and found Belay, who suffered brain injuries, a fractured orbital bone and peeled skin. He is not expected to recover.

Two hours after the attack, Lundgren was at an ATM at Westmount Mall trying to take money from Belay’s bank account. He then assaulted a 74-year-old man using the ATM, stole the man’s wallet and $200 before fleeing in a cab.

Twenty minutes later, Lundgren walked into a Mac’s store at 13120 66 St., vaulted the counter, pushed the clerks away and grabbed two bags from the safe containing nearly $3,000. He also stole $860 worth of lottery tickets before again fleeing in a taxi. Lundgren was arrested when police stopped the cab.

After getting two years and 10 months credit for time in pre-trial custody, Lundgren has slightly more than seven years still to serve.

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