Edmonton Journal

Leave your pets at home, firefighte­rs and Humane Society say


The Edmonton Humane Society has teamed up with Edmonton Fire Rescue Services to encourage pet owners to leave their furry friends at home instead of in their cars.

“Pets are an important part of any family and Edmonton Fire Rescue Services will take any necessary action required to keep them safe,” platoon chief Dwayne Smith said Tuesday.

Dogs don’t sweat, unlike humans. Instead, they release most of their body heat by panting. Animals are only able to inhale hot air inside warm vehicles, which can rapidly increase body temperatur­e.

If a dog’s body temperatur­e is high enough, it can suffer heat stroke, organ damage or lifethreat­ening heat exhaustion.

“I think the message is a lot of people aren’t sure what to do,” Smith said.

“What we’re trying to do is to educate the public more so that they understand and have a better comprehens­ion of what’s going on inside that vehicle with pets.”

Owners of pets found in such distress can be subject to a $20,000 fine, a lifetime ban on owning pets and up to six months in jail.

This year, fire rescue has received 300 calls about animals left in cars. Symptoms of distress include: excessive panting or drooling loss of bowel control non-responsive­ness a dark pink or purple tongue frantic attempts to escape the vehicle

The Edmonton Humane Society does not recommend breaking open vehicle windows, since this is dangerous for both people and animals.

Instead, residents are encouraged to call 311 if there is minimal concern for the animal or 911 if the animal appears to be in distress.

“Leave your pets at home,” Smith said.

In Ohio, Governor John Kasich recently signed a bill into law that protects a person who breaks into a hot car to save a minor or a pet.

The legislatio­n allows people to force their way into a locked vehicle if police are not able to get there in time. The law has limitation­s. The person must call 911 and check to see if the door is unlocked. If they feel it is an emergency, they can break into the vehicle.

The bill takes effect in August.

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