Edmonton Journal

Keep curriculum panellists’ names private, union leader urges

- JANET FRENCH jfrench@postmedia.com Twitter.com/jantafrenc­h

The heated rhetoric around the rewrite of Alberta’s K-12 school curriculum could deter teachers from volunteeri­ng for later updates, says the president of the Alberta Teachers’ Associatio­n.

“If you are going to become part of a political process, will you sign up in the future? I think the answer would be no,” Mark Ramsankar told teachers during his Thursday address to the North Central Teachers’ Convention in Edmonton.

Ramsankar fired back at those demanding the government release a list of 300 volunteers from across Alberta who are working on the aggressive curriculum modernizat­ion effort. Most of them are teachers.

The names of people who worked to update Alberta’s curriculum in previous rewrites have never been publicly listed, nor has anyone demanded that informatio­n, he said.

“Suddenly, it becomes a transparen­cy issue. Is writing curriculum about robust curriculum for children, or is it about political games and deficits?

“Is it about throwing it in so that the politician­s can sit down in the (legislatur­e) and try and point fingers at each other at the expense of hardworkin­g teachers who are giving what they have to ensure the curriculum writing goes as planned?” Ramsankar said.

Education Minister David Eggen’s spokeswoma­n and some people serving on curriculum working groups have said they’re worried about harassment if the names are published.

Eggen’s office said it is working to release more informatio­n about the groups.

Teachers must be involved in reviewing curriculum, given their reliance on it, Ramsankar said. They’ve been part of curriculum reboots under previous government­s due to their expertise, not their “political stripe,” he said.

“(This is) not some mass scheme to try and indoctrina­te children with political rhetoric,” he said.

Ramsankar also questioned the Edmonton public school board chairman’s announceme­nt he’d like to explore the idea of offering Catholic programs in public schools.

“To what end? Frankly, I believe Catholics in our province are going to stay in the Catholic education system.

“The (teachers’) associatio­n does not support that type of direction,” Ramsankar said.

The associatio­n supports a “robust” Catholic system, he said, adding his wife is a Catholic school principal and his children attend Catholic schools.

Edmonton public board chairman Michael Janz said he wasn’t aware the teachers’ associatio­n had a position on the compositio­n of school boards in the province. He said school boards must become more creative in how they use their limited budgets to serve a population growing in both size and diversity.

Ramsankar also criticized the government for enrolling Alberta students in expensive internatio­nal testing he said provides no more insight than provincial assessment­s do. The NDP opposed the practice when in opposition, he said.

In 2016, Alberta Education reported it had spent about $300,000 in the last two years enrolling students in internatio­nal tests like the Programme for Internatio­nal Student Assessment.

Ramsankar’s term as president ends in June, when he plans to move to Ottawa to take the helm of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation. Alberta teachers are expected to vote in March for a new president, vice-presidents and directors.

Suddenly, it becomes a transparen­cy issue. Is writing curriculum about robust curriculum for children, or is it about political games and deficits?

 ?? DAVID BLOOM ?? ATA president Mark Ramsankar says his union supports a “robust” Catholic school system.
DAVID BLOOM ATA president Mark Ramsankar says his union supports a “robust” Catholic school system.

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