Edmonton Journal

Hate taxes? Blame Germany


- TRISTIN HOPPER National Post thopper@nationalpo­st.com Twitter.com/TristinHop­per

As Canada’s 150th birthday approaches, the right-leaning Fraser Institute has decided to ring in the sesquicent­ennial the best way they know how: With an intricatel­y detailed report about big government.

Specifical­ly, they got Lakehead University economist Livio Di Matteo to comprehens­ively track all 150 years of government spending, tax revenue and debt.

The result is a bunch of boring spreadshee­ts and numbers, to be sure, but within them lies the story of a nation: A tariff-funded agricultur­al colony blossoming into a giant, oil-rich welfare state full of seniors. At first, if you weren’t at a port, you probably never saw a taxman

In 1867, the Canada government got all its taxes from one of two places: Duties and excise taxes. Just like tattoo parlours and opium dens, federal taxation was a thing that happened out of sight in seedy port cities. Canada still collects a gargantuan quantity of money from these two sources ($16.7 billion projected for 2017), but it’s not nearly enough to prop up a modern welfare state. In 1867, by contrast, all the federal government really had to do was run the post office, keep the lighthouse­s and build the occasional canal or transconti­nental railroad. We’ve never, ever been debt-free

Even in the debt-loving United States, there was one brief window of time in which their government was completely debtfree. President Andrew Jackson had an obsessive distrust of any money that he couldn’t physically see, so he prioritize­d an aggressive six-year paydown of the national debt that was wrapped up by 1835. It lasted for a year, until the U.S. suddenly plunged headlong into a severe recession (caused in part by Jackson’s weird fear of non-gold money). There were plenty in early Canada who saw deficit spending as a sinful road to ruin, but regardless, we’ve never had a “clear title” moment. In 1867, the sun rose over a new country with $75.7 million in liabilitie­s. With a few exceptions, that number has steadily climbed ever since. From the beginning, Canada was paying one quarter of every tax dollar to service the debt

As much as we like to talk about “shared values” and whatnot, one of the major reasons that Canada exists is cold, hard debt. By the 1860s, the colonies of British North America had run up their respective credit cards to dizzying levels, so the Fathers of Confederat­ion pitched a unified country as a way to consolidat­e their debts. Just ask Prince Edward Island and Newfoundla­nd. The two Atlantic islands largely hated the idea of joining with a bunch of snooty Ontarians and Quebecers, but both were ultimately forced into Confederat­ion in order to keep the bill collectors from the door. All this debt consolidat­ion means that when Sir John A. Macdonald was first able to put “Canadian Prime Minister” on his business card, the biggest single expense of his government was servicing the debt. For every dollar collected in 1867, 26.7 cents went to interest charges, and it’s still one of the highest levels of debt burden in our history. In fact, it’s almost exactly the same interest burden as in 1990, when Canada was already well into the defaultris­king fiscal hell that would precipitat­e the Paul Martin budget slashes of the late 1990s. The biggest thing the government did in 1913 was “transport and communicat­ions”

In the modern era, most government dollars end up on social services: Pensions, health care, welfare, etc. But in 1913, an incredible 48.93 per cent of the federal budget was spent on “transport and communicat­ions,” compared to a barely noticeable sliver spent on “welfare and social security.” Nowadays, being the Minister of Infrastruc­ture barely gets you on TV. But in the years before the First World War, the House of Commons spent much of its time building railroads and canals. Hate high taxes? Blame Germany

When you really think about it, an income tax is a pretty radical thing for a country to have. It taxes a complex sum of money that most people wouldn’t normally write down — and it empowers the government to leaf through your papers if they think you’re lying about it. But government overreach is of secondary considerat­ion when there’s a bunch of guys in Prussian helmets shooting at your son. The First World War ushered in massive surges in taxation and spending, including, most notoriousl­y, the income tax. Without war, Di Matteo figures Canada would have eventually adopted an income tax anyway. “However, without wars to drive expenditur­e, we would probably have grown accustomed to much lower income tax rates,” he told the National Post. For 23 years, income taxes weren’t the largest revenue stream

The next time you see a Mountie in ceremonial dress, know that one half of their Stetson hat was paid for with income taxes. In 2015, income taxes represente­d more than 48 per cent of the total government revenue stream. But in 1918, the first year the tax was collected, they pulled in a measly $8 million ($109 million in 2016 dollars). Even by 1929, income taxes were still only a six per cent chunk of the revenue pie — compared to the seven per cent pulled in by selling postage stamps. Only in 1942 would income taxes finally pull ahead of excise tax as the largest single money stream for the federal government. The Second World War was really, really, really expensive

The First World War was expensive, to be sure, but the Second World War was an utterly dizzying expenditur­e that stretched the budget to heights we have not seen since. On multiple graphs in the report, the years 1939 to 1945 are projected as a razor-sharp spike completely out of proportion with the 144 other years in Canada’s history. Canada’s debt-to-GDP ratio hit 108.9 per cent in 1946 — our highest ever. Over the course of the war, tax revenue nearly sextupled from $562 million to $3 billion. Spending, meanwhile, went up nearly ten-fold. Canada has gotten used to large, expensive government­s, but we’ve never been anywhere close to the dramatic rise in spending witnessed by the 11.9 million Canadians of 1939. To an economist, it looks like an unspeakabl­y devastatin­g tragedy hit Canada in the 1970s and 1980s

Canada was noticeably spending beyond its means. A depression and a recession, respective­ly, caused the two small bumps in the late 19th century. Then there’s a bump for the First World War, a small hill for the Great Depression and a massive spike for the Second World War (see “really, really, really expensive,” above). But what about the 1970s and the 1980s? No war, no depression; that is simply when Canada collective­ly decided that giant deficits would be more fun if we didn’t need to wait for a national crisis first. And we can’t blame it all on Pierre Trudeau. Canada’s favourite rose-wearing spendthrif­t was out of office by 1984, roughly midway through the 20-year spending bump.

 ?? WILLIAM JAMES TOPLEY / LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES CANADA ?? Reporters sit above the Speaker’s chair in Canada’ House of Commons on May 20, 1867. That year, the sun rose over a new country with $75.7 million in liabilitie­s. With a few exceptions, that number has steadily climbed ever since.
WILLIAM JAMES TOPLEY / LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES CANADA Reporters sit above the Speaker’s chair in Canada’ House of Commons on May 20, 1867. That year, the sun rose over a new country with $75.7 million in liabilitie­s. With a few exceptions, that number has steadily climbed ever since.

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