Edmonton Journal


President Donald Trump greets Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the White House on Monday. The two leaders talked about trade, security, energy and jobs.

- John Ivison

Credit to Justin Trudeau: he played his hand well. Seeking ways to charm Donald Trump, he hit on the ideal solution — present this most conceited of presidents with a picture of himself.

On their first call, Trump revealed he knew the elder Trudeau — a “dapper dude,” in the words of the president. Hence, when the prime minister arrived at the White House Monday, Trump was handed a picture of himself with Pierre Trudeau at a banquet in New York City in 1981.

Trump was also presented with a beautiful, hand-carved stone lion from the Arms of Canada. It was received without comment, but the president did remark on the picture and Trudeau’s father, “who I knew and respected greatly.”

It proved a propitious gesture that set the tone for a day that went better than anyone in the Trudeau camp could possibly have hoped.

The two men spoke publicly about the things upon which they agreed — trade, security, energy, middle-class jobs — and were resolutely silent upon the things on which they might fall out — the environmen­t, immigratio­n policy, softwood lumber.

Conservati­ve leadership candidate Kevin O’Leary suggested Trudeau versus Trump would be like Bambi versus Godzilla. In fact, it was more like Winnie the Pooh and Piglet — “We’ll be friends forever, won’t we, Pooh?” asked Piglet; “Even longer,” answered Pooh.

Trump was calm — almost becalmed — sticking to his speaking notes and making clear he would like to see harmonious relations.

“The U.S. is deeply fortunate to have a neighbour like Canada,” he said.

The two countries should coordinate more closely to protect jobs, keep wealth on the continent and keep everyone safe, he added.

When he was offered the chance to skewer Canada for absorbing so many of the Syrian refugees he considers a danger to American security, he demurred, saying only “you can never be totally confident” about border security.

Trudeau was polite but not prostrate. The NDP urged him to stand up for Canadian values, and tell Trump publicly that Canadians are opposed to a policy that turns away immigrants and refugees based on their religion.

Had he done so, he would have scored political points at home. But this visit was about securing Canada’s privileged trading relationsh­ip, not playing domestic politics.

We are party to an asymmetric alliance, in which we depend on exports to the U.S. for 23 per cent of our GDP, while their exports north account for just two per cent of their economy.

The prime minister boxed clever, saying the last thing Canadians would expect him to do is visit another country and lecture them on how to govern themselves.

At the same time, he said he will always “reflect the Canadian approach” and provide an example to the world. Canada’s self-respect remained intact, as did the special relationsh­ip with the U.S. Well played, sir.

The two men are unlikely to become golfing buddies, like Jean Chrétien and Bill Clinton, but neither is Trump going to grab Trudeau by the collar and accuse him of “pissing on my rug,” as Lyndon Johnson famously did to Lester Pearson, after the latter made a speech critical of America’s conduct of the Vietnam War.

Trudeau quoted Winston Churchill, who spoke admiringly about the long Canada-U.S. frontier “guarded only by neighbourl­y respect.”

Trump reciprocat­ed by dialing back the protection­ist rhetoric. The two countries have a “very outstandin­g” trade relationsh­ip, he said. NAFTA may require some “tweaking” but the reforms will be much less severe than those envisaged on the southern border with Mexico, the president said. That doesn’t sound like the border adjustment tax that would prove so disastrous for Canada.

On infrastruc­ture, the two countries said in a joint statement they will encourage opportunit­ies for companies on both sides of the border. That doesn’t sound like an expanded Buy American program targeting Canadian companies.

There were positive noises made about “thinning” the border in areas where Canada would like to see action — labour mobility, pre-clearance of people and cargo, integratio­n of border operations into common processing facilities.

There were suggestion­s Canada might commit to more defence spending by working to modernize NORAD in cyberspace and space; committing to a competitio­n to permanentl­y replace the CF18 fighter jets; and enhancing its military contributi­on against ISIL and in Latvia. Both sides could claim wins here.

It’s early days. Even Trump probably doesn’t know what he wants on trade — his team, including Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, have not cleared the Senate confirmati­on process.

But the foundation­s have been laid — by civility and flattery — upon which a constructi­ve rapport can be built. As a bonus, Trudeau also spent time with House Speaker Paul Ryan, with whom he had a relaxed conversati­on about trade and hockey, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

“We’re going to have a great relationsh­ip — as good or better than ever before,” the president said.

Coming from a man who doesn’t mind criticism, provided it’s in the form of an unvarnishe­d compliment, this was a very good start.

 ?? MANDEL NGAN / AFP / GETTY IMAGES ?? President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had a very cordial first meeting Monday, holding a press conference in the East Room of the White House, where they talked about the issues they agree on — and stayed silent on the ones they don’t.
MANDEL NGAN / AFP / GETTY IMAGES President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had a very cordial first meeting Monday, holding a press conference in the East Room of the White House, where they talked about the issues they agree on — and stayed silent on the ones they don’t.
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