Edmonton Journal

High-level dealers are moving in, police say

Painkiller mixed with cocaine by dealers can cause seizures, coma or death

- CLAIRE THEOBALD twitter.com/ClaireTheo­bald ctheobald@postmedia.com

Police fear a growing amount of buffing agent being seized in drug busts means more high-level dealers are bringing wholesale quantities into Edmonton for redistribu­tion, creating another avenue for profit.

The Edmonton Drug and Gang Enforcemen­t (EDGE) unit seized more buffing agent in 2016 — 82.05 kg — than all cocaine, marijuana, heroin and methamphet­amine combined.

Buffing agents are used by drug dealers to dilute illicit drugs to increase profits.

A single EDGE investigat­ion in January yielded more than 150 kg of phenacetin, known on the street as “superbuff,” enough to fill four large barrels and potentiall­y worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

“Cocaine trafficker­s need the buffing agent to make money, and selling illegal drugs is about making money. It’s just one part of the puzzle,” EDGE Staff Sgt. Kevin Berge said.

Berge said phenacetin — a painkiller pulled from the pharmaceut­ical market in Canada in 1978 after it was found to be carcinogen­ic — is the most popular buffing agent used by dealers to cut cocaine.

Arno Siraki, an associate professor in the faculty of pharmacy and pharmaceut­ical sciences at the University of Alberta, said phenacetin has been labelled by the Internatio­nal Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a Group 1 carcinogen, the highest classifica­tion of cancer-causing substances, putting it on the same list as radioactiv­e materials like plutonium.

“Any time a substance is labelled as a Group 1 carcinogen there is no dose that is safe,” Siraki said.

Siraki said large doses of phenacetin can cause hemolytic anemia, a condition that destroys red blood cells, and methemoglo­binemia, a condition that inhibits the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen that in severe cases can cause seizures, coma or death.

Repeated use of phenacetin can cause kidney damage and failure, and over time phenacetin consumptio­n can cause cancer of the renal pelvis and ureter, the “excretion routes of the drug,” Siraki said.


Because of its popularity among drug dealers, phenacetin has become just as salable for high-level dealers on its own as it is when mixed with cocaine, Berge said, with drug dealers selling phenacetin to other lower level dealers.

Berge said the barrels of phenacetin seized in January appear to have been shipped from China where it is readily available, and the white, powdery substance is sometimes shipped under different names to avoid detection.

Finding buffing agents is a good indicator for investigat­ors that a suspect has higher level knowledge of cooking or converting illegal drugs — such as converting cocaine into crack cocaine — Berge said, giving police the option to charge someone in possession of the substance with production on top of any other related drug possession or traffickin­g charges.

Berge stresses to users that there is no quality control or health standards involved in buying or selling illegal drugs.

“Each time you take an illegal drug it’s like playing Russian roulette, you don’t know what you are going to take,” he said. “It’s not made in a facility that has quality control. You don’t know what the ingredient­s are, you don’t know what it’s being laced with.”

 ??  ?? Kevin Berge
Kevin Berge

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