Edmonton Journal

Restaurate­ur plans charity event to help homeless


Indian-born Ramesh Devangodi says Canada has given him a good life and, as a result, he has offered his downtown Haweli restaurant for a Salvation Army fundraiser.

“I met my wife Sonia here and we now have three great children and a wonderful home overlookin­g Fort Edmonton,” he said.

“Edmonton is a great place to raise a family and when people are happy, succeed in business and the future looks bright, I think they should do their best to help the less fortunate.”

Haweli, at 10220 103 St., will throw its door open Saturday, April 8 to welcome guests to the Doughboys’ Mumbai Sally dinner, an event to help the homeless.

The Doughboys came together to net $250,000 for the Salvation Army by carrying a ladder loaded with the sponsors’ names around three marathons in the 2000s.

More recently, our crew — CHED’s Bruce Bowie, CBC’s Mark Connolly, media personalit­y Mark Scholz and myself — raised more than $100,000 when we led the first downtown march to help fund Valour Place, the home-away-from home for injured military, RCMP, Families of the Fallen, veterans and first responders in town for medical treatment.

We recently heard the Salvation Army Futures Centre is working to provide resources and practical assistance to clients and decided to help.

“Our plan is to help many homeless by providing such resources as computers to help people look for a place to live, assist in building a resume, find work and apply for grants,” said the Sally Ann’s Darlene Burton.

Devangodi, who came to Edmonton to work as executive chef for New Asian Village chain founder Harmeet Kapur, promises an Indian feast at our Mumbai Sally dinner.

“We’ll also have a Bollywood dance group coming and I’m sure the Doughboys will bring some musically-minded friends,” says the restaurate­ur, who also owns, with wife Sonia, the west end New Asian Village and a Cheesecake Cafe.

We are told $12,500 will fund the computers the Salvation Army needs. Tickets for the dinner are $60 and we hope many friends and Sally Ann supporters will join us for a fun evening that could help the lives of many.

Tickets at mumbaisall­ydinner. eventbrite.ca.


A $375,000 Rolls-Royce Wraith (monthly payments about $7,000) outshone vintage Cadillacs and Champagne was poured by people hanging upside-down from the ceiling.

The event was held last year at the Aurora Jet Partners hangar at Edmonton Internatio­nal Airport and guests sipped bubbly while inspecting the interior of a $32-million Bombardier business jet.

“This year’s event is back at the hangar Thursday, June 8 and will be more amazing than our first two fundraiser­s, Pave the Way and Taking Flight,” says Monica Allen, who hosts the University Hospital Foundation’s Brain Centre Campaign fundraiser with husband and Jatec CEO Jim Allen.

“Everything is falling into place nicely. We plan to build up interest by releasing event details during the upcoming months.

“But I can say the event will be called Big City Nights and your $750 ticket enters you to win a luxurious prize that will take you farther than ever before.”

Last year, a crowd of 300 raised more than $250,000 at an event that didn’t include an auction.

In 2012, the hospital opened one of the most advanced brain surgery suites in Canada.

“Now, after raising $42 million over four years, the centre has transforme­d brain care in all areas — diagnostic­s, clinical care, surgery and research — for patients with life-threatenin­g and life-changing conditions,” says Alberta Health Service’s Nicole Merrifield, who is helping the foundation stage the event.

Some of the projects the campaign has funded include a $6.2-million operating room iMRI that has reduced repeat surgeries, decreased surgery time and created brain research opportunit­ies, a $17.5-million gamma knife enabling brain patients to receive non-invasive treatment and acquiring Canada’s first stroke ambulance, allowing patients to be treated sooner, minimizing the impact of strokes.


A number of people last week read my story about Egypt and asked if it was a safe place to visit. Well, yes and no.

The Canadian government says non-essential travel should be avoided due to the unpredicta­ble security situation.

But it added that while a high degree of caution is necessary, the advisory did not apply to the Red Sea coastal resorts of Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh, or the Nile area from Luxor to Aswan I had visited with the

U of A’s Alumni Associatio­n. But visitors are strongly advised to travel and return by air.

“If you decide to travel to Egypt despite this advisory, plan your trip with a reputable Egyptian travel company or agency,” is the government’s advice.

A Chicago travel company arranged our visit at the U of A Alumni Associatio­n’s request. We travelled with an armed guard, our bus was twice given a police escort and we encountere­d many security personnel brandishin­g Uzi rifles. We were never worried about safety and our tour director, Ashraf Masoud, was praised by our party for his leadership.

My thoughts — heed government advice, book with a reputable travel agent and visit well-preserved sites dating back 5,000 years.

 ?? NICK LEES ?? Ramesh Devangodi says he’s appreciati­ve of his success and has offered his Haweli restaurant to help the less fortunate. He says a Bollywood dance troupe will provide entertainm­ent during the fundraiser.
NICK LEES Ramesh Devangodi says he’s appreciati­ve of his success and has offered his Haweli restaurant to help the less fortunate. He says a Bollywood dance troupe will provide entertainm­ent during the fundraiser.
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